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a demo in favor of the public hospital

The parties and left movements of Nancy call in a press release to support the mobilization in favor of the hospital which will be held Tuesday June 16, 2020 at 2 p.m., in front of the ARS in Nancy.

Funding for the care pathway could be double-edged. Shutterstock

“The Covid19 health crisis has revealed the fragility of the public hospital, all caused by years of damage done in the name of profitability, write in a press release the parties and left movement represented in Nancy. However, even when faced with the dramatic consequences of the lack of personnel, the lack of respirators, the lack of tests, masks and gowns, our leaders promised that “nothing will ever be the same again *”, they continue to promote the worst health policy. A single example in our department, in addition to the austerity treatment they want to impose on Nancy CHRU: in Toul, in the midst of an epidemic, the ARS (Regional Health Agency) slashes the budget of 384,000 euros St Charles hospital which is now likely to have to reduce its offer of surgical care. “

Health Safety

“In these conditions, we must weigh on the great concertation which was launched at the Ministry under the name of” Ségur de la santé “, the press release continues. It is vital for all French people. We are all patients, sooner or later. “
Several union and collective organizations of struggling doctors call on hospital staff and users to make June 16 a day of action. The objective is not trivial. The country can, through concerted action, make the government hear the demands which alone will guarantee us a health system that is up to its scientific and technical means constantly improving and adequate to the ever-changing needs of the population.

In front of the ARS in Nancy

“Our political parties and organizations fully support the initiative launched by the promoters of this day of action. We know that “rebuilding the health system”, according to the stated ambition of Ségur de la santé, first involves increased funding for Social Security and major investments in the public hospital. But that’s not all. A salary increase for all hospital professions, from the ASH to the head of service, is a national imperative if we do not want to witness a massive desertion. Medical research must be better funded and democracy rethought in the decision-making chain that goes from the ministry to hospital structures. Finally, even if this exceeds the powers of the Ministry of Health, we are in favor of the revival in France of a pharmaceutical industry.
« For all these reasons, we call on you to gather on Tuesday June 16 at 2:00 p.m. in front of the premises of the ARS (Regional Health Agency), boulevard Joffre in Nancy, near Place de la République. This gathering, deposited in the Prefecture, will be done in compliance with health safety rules.

* Olivier Véran, May 20, speaking to healthcare professionals

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