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a decisive week to decide whether or not to re-contain


The coming week could be decisive as regards the possible implementation of a third confinement in France. The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, reminded him this weekend in The Parisian : he is waiting to see what effect the curfew will have on the circulation of the virus before possibly taking additional measures. By Wednesday, figures on contamination, in particular by new variants of the coronavirus, are expected. They will set the tone for French daily life in the weeks to come.

Three scenarios on the table

Obviously, the executive is already preparing the spirits for a re-containment. “The question is not ‘will there be one’ but when,” an adviser told Europe 1 on Saturday. At this stage, however, three scenarios would still be on the table. In the first, the expected figures will indicate that we remain on the current level of new contaminations: the curfew would then still be sufficient. In the second case, one-week data shows a slight recovery. A re-containment as in November would then be possible.

Last situation: the curves are taking off, as has been observed in some of our European neighbors. Government sources contacted by Europe 1 then say that the only solution would be stricter containment than at the end of last year.

For Benjamin Davido, infectious disease doctor and Covid-19 crisis referent at Raymond-Poincaré hospital in Garches, in the Paris region, reconfiguring is not an emergency for the moment. “Today, hospital indicators are stable. In my hospital, for example, we have between one and two patients on our beds every day suspected of having an English variant. We can see that if we stay in a situation like this, we will manage to hold out for several more weeks, “he explains on Sunday on Europe 1.” Simply, if the variant begins to gain ground, we would have to reconfine in advance because we would be in a very complicated situation in terms of hospital tension . “

“We have to put the bell in the right timing”

In any case, we should know more at the end of the coming week. “We must set the bell in the right timing”, says one in the entourage of Olivier Véran. In the event of re-containment, it will of course also be necessary to look into the details such as the opening or not of schools, universities and different types of stores.

“I think we will have to sincerely ask ourselves the question of limiting the circulation perimeters because these different variants propagate extremely well”, comments Benjamin Davido. “The only way to [les] to contain is to move as little as possible to contaminate as few individuals as possible. “

As for a possible intervention by the President of the Republic on Wednesday before announcing a new confinement, we can not exclude it. But for the moment, the Elysee denies it. “To date, nothing”, insists a close friend of Emmanuel Macron to Europe 1.

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