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A decisive week arrives for the Stock Exchange and today is an important day. Here because

A decisive week arrives for the Stock Exchange and today is an important day. From the performance of this octave it will be understood if the Milanese index has the strength to go to climb the top of the 25 thousand points. And since each climb starts with a first step, let’s see what will happen to the stock exchange in today’s session.

A decisive week arrives for the Stock Exchange and today is an important day. Here because

To analyze what prices could do today, it is useful to remember what happened in Friday’s session. On the last day of last week, the prices of the index Ftse Mib (INDEX-FTSEMIB), started upwards. In the middle of the day, they reached around 19,600 points and seemed well set up to close close to the important 20,000 threshold. But suddenly they reversed direction and at the end of the session they closed down 0.5% to 19.124 points

Share 19 thousand points and the threshold of 20 thousand points, have been containing the price trend of the blue chip index for two weeks. Since the June 16 session, the Ftse Mib has been moving within this narrow belt. The decisive exit of prices upwards or downwards will determine the performance of the Milan stock exchange for subsequent sessions. Of course it is desirable that this movement takes place upwards and that therefore prices may exceed the 20 thousand threshold as soon as possible.

The desirable scenario

This is why it becomes important that the index is brought back to the threshold of 20 thousand points as early as today. This would allow prices to hit the 20,000 mark in the next two sessions. To then open the way towards a weekly closure close to 20,400 points. This level is the maximum that touched the prices in the session of 8 June. Exceeding this threshold will open the way to a new, more vigorous bullish phase.

Of course, the other possibility should also be considered. What prices fall below the 19 thousand threshold. The event is quite remote but possible. A close below this threshold, if not recovered immediately in the following session, will weaken the index and push prices even lower. And the possibility for the Ftse Mib index to return to 25 thousand by the summer would go far

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