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a decision on the fate of the 2020 Worlds …

A decision on whether to maintain or cancel the 2020 Worlds between Aigle and Martigny is expected to be made at the end of May. This is what Peter Van den Abeele, responsible for mountain biking at the UCI, assures during an interview in a Belgian daily, “Het Laatste Nieuws”. “We will do our best to allow the Worlds to take place in the country planned,” he explains. “At the end of May (note: May 27), the Confederation will announce new directives for the coming months. We will then see if our plan is feasible or not. The importance of our event was underlined in a letter written by the UCI and the Aigle-Martigny organizing committee to the Confederation. All parties concerned will soon organize a conference call on this matter. “

Rumor of a Spanish daily newspaper

Several websites relayed information from a Spanish daily on Sunday that the Worlds could take place between Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates and, if necessary, be postponed until November.

The Swiss organizers have been ensuring for several weeks that they can wait until the end of June, and greater investments, to make a decision.

Read also : 2020 World Cycling Championships: the “threat” of the Arab Emirates for Aigle-Martigny


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