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a day of sport and community in Lonato

The final day of the Green Park project took place on Sunday 13 October, an initiative that has involved the 13 parks of Lonato del Garda for four years, promoting physical activity and outdoor sports. Organized by the Polisportiva of Lonato, with the participation of numerous local associations, the event saw the participation of the hamlets of Sedena, Lonato 2, Campagna and Centenaro, each of which collaborated in various capacities in the organization of various sporting activities.

Sports activities and local collaborations

The Green Park project involved a wide range of sporting activities distributed across the different parks. The Sedena district took care of organizing the walks and gymnastics, while Lonato 2 collaborated for the bowls tournament. Campagna contributed with the football tennis tournament and Centenaro supported the organization of the gymnastics.

In addition to the activities mentioned, participants were able to enjoy other proposals such as yoga, laughter yoga, postural gymnastics and Fit Music, involving different age groups and sporting preferences.

Events of the final day and thanks

Special thanks were given by councilor Cristian Simonelli to the Audax group, which enlivened the morning with a musical activity through the Pozze di Lonato park and the surrounding hills, giving participants a pleasant route suitable for everyone. The journey ended at the Sports Hall, where the prize-giving ceremonies for the various tournaments took place.

Radio Bruno accompanied the day, as has become tradition in recent years, presenting the tournament awards. Among these, the bowls tournament organized by Lonato 2, the Campagna football tennis tournament and a 3 against 3 tournament, reserved for the little ones, which took place inside the Sports Hall. The awards were organized with the support of Atletica Lonato, represented by president Pierangelo Avigo.

The day ended with a special thank you to the boys from Pallavolo Lonato, who contributed to the organization of the event by working early in the morning to prepare the activity areas. Special recognition was also given to the Ludobus and Garda Emergenza for their availability throughout the day.

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