The woman thought it was a toy, picked up and put the crocodile on a stump as a decoration. However, the locals looked closely and realized that it was a dead reptile.
The journalists turned to a zoologist for help.
“This is not a toy, this is a dead animal with signs of exhaustion. It looks like a smooth-faced caiman,” said the specialist.
The animal died about three days ago. The zoologist examined the ulcers on the crocodile’s body, which were treated with medication. This suggests that they tried to treat the reptile.
“1 + 1” found out that on the Internet you can buy a caiman for €750.
“Most likely, this is an adult animal, the price for it is very high, maybe more than $ 2 thousand,” the zoologist noted.
He took the dead crocodile to the veterinary clinic, where the reptile will become scientific material for students.
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