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A COVID outbreak forces Tottenham’s duel to be postponed

The fourth wave of COVID-19 has started to wreak havoc on Europe and the Tottenham Hotspur was one of the main losers. The club issued a release, through his Twitter account, that the duel against Rennes was suspended for him outbreak that whips the English team, that carries 13 infected (8 players and five staff members) to date. In addition, he announced that first team facilities at the training center they are going to close until this whole situation passes.

UEFA authorized Spurs’ request and communicated it 24 hours before for the game to take place. This measure was not assimilated in a good way by Rennes, who complained that the decision had been made unilateral form by el Tottenham and they pretended to go ahead with the meeting being in london since Wednesday.

Antonio Conte, Spurs coach, assured that It has only 11 footballers available after a team member tested positive after Wednesday’s training along with an employee. “Today there have been two more positives. Morning? Who knows. Maybe I, I don’t know. Surely it is better if I take a player, but I think this is not the right thing“explained the Italian coach who was concerned if the situation worsens.

The Tottenham should face Brighton Sunday for the date N ° 16. But nevertheless, They have requested to postpone the game before the Gaviotas. At the press conference, Antonio Conte he begged to the local tournament organizers who make the right decision.

The club asked to take into account the medical and scientific aspect. The transmission between players is not impossible, even with all the precautions in force. A Spurs player, still pregnant, could test negative before the game and positive the next day. It is not unheard of, and the Premier League can’t afford a cross-team outbreak.

Notably the London team has not been showing a good performance In the season. They have great chances of stay out of the Conference League and in the League are far from the top positions. For these reasons, their owners were forced to fire Nuno Espírito Santo to twist the course and try to achieve the same results of the previous seasons.

The Portuguese directed only 17 games (8 GP, 2 PE and 7 PP) / Photo: The Guardian

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