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A couple loses 240 kilos between them and explains their three tricks to achieve it


Lose weight it is one of the dreams of millions of people around the world. But that goal, sometimes, is not an individual fight against the scale, but instead becomes a fight to defeat a common enemy. This is what has happened to Brittany and Dwight Neff, an American couple who have made a common front for lose weight, between them, 240 kilos.

Brittany Neff was once an emotional eater: she used food for everything, both the good and the bad news, leading to her gaining much more weight than necessary. But there came a time when she decided to plant herself and set out slim down: got it and in two years he was able to lose 152 kilos (from 232 to 80) and return to being the person he was.

Her husband Dwight had also had a very strange relationship with food: his family owned a pizzeria and had had trouble staying away from the stove. But he grew up and decided to lose weight, going from 180 to 90 kilos weight thanks to the support of his wife. Because, after her success, she became her personal trainer.

Weight loss as a couple

When Britanny achieved her goal of having the weight she had always dreamed of decided to become a personal trainer. Recognizes Today that “in the last four years, I have worked hard to establish healthy habits, be it with food, mind or sport, thanks to which I have achieved what is now my current reality”.

Britanny managed to lose weight receiving the advice of personal trainers to establish healthy lifestyle habits in her day to day. Now, she continues to eat six times a day and do sports three to four times a week, combining strength training with cardio exercises.

The last step he took was deal with excess skin that I had accumulated after losing weight in such an impressive way. For this reason, he decided to undergo an operation to remove the excess skin, which allowed him to drop another six kilos of weight. It was in January 2019 and in June of that same year she met her husband, Dwight.

Brittany was the first to lose weight and after doing so she helped her husband follow his own weight loss process.

She had managed to lose the excess weight, but your partner needed help, since I had tried to lose weight before, but without success. So he did not think about it and it helped him, something that Dwight does not forget: “This time it was not going to be ‘lose weight and gain it back’, but I have become a healthy person instead of just dieting.”

Tricks to lose weight

The young man, who is 34 years old and works in the printing sector, points out that the help of his wife was essential: “Having that person there who knows what you have been through and knows exactly how you feel, that helps normalize everything. I can be 100% open with her … reaching the next level of communication and support: simply, everything it flows very well. “

news-img-figure">Brittany's change has been impressive: 240 kilos of difference (Photo: Instagram)
news-img-caption-def">Brittany’s change has been impressive: 240 kilos of difference (Photo: Instagram)

The goal of the two for the future is to travel and start a family, but they do not forget how they managed to get here. So they summarize their trip in three tricks to lose weight. The first is “address mental health“That is to say, it is not about eating healthy and playing sports, but also about thinking in a balanced way and establishing healthy habits for everyday life.

The second tip is find a support in the process. Not being alone is vital to help maintain weight loss and deal with all kinds of problems and stress: feeling that you have help from those closest to you creates a “sense of community” that helps the process of weight loss be complete. It is one more help to achieve the set goal.

Finally, both agree on what is important is “discover why“Dwight explained that he wanted to lose weight for his father: he was ill and he wanted to be sure that, in his absence, his son would be fine. So having a sense, an end helped him to succeed:” Simply, having such a strong reason why this time was going to be different meant that this time I couldn’t fail. “

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