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A coup disguised as an election: a lesson from Venezuela for Georgia: EADaily

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing on July 20 on the subject of “The Future of Europe.” ” United States Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien gave a presentation that discussed US aid to Europe and European integration. He also discussed in detail issues related to the situation that is developing in Georgia, Ukraine, the South Caucasus and the Western Balkans.

As for Georgia, the main message was that “the country’s political elite,” as O’Brien emphasized, “has turned its back on the European Union and NATO. To get back on track, steps must be taken that include holding free and fair parliamentary elections, repealing the law on foreign agents and denying rights to be given to China to develop the port of Anaklia.”

Agree, the situation is very difficult, because it is not possible to fulfill these requirements. Let’s start with the question of holding free and fair elections. It would seem that there could be any objections, because the request is correct, and because the elections should be free and fair. There is nothing controversial in the formulation of the question itself, but let’s look at it from a slightly different angle. In this particular case, what criteria do Americans intend to use in determining whether the election was fair and honest or not? At the same time, they have one criterion: if the ruling party wins, the elections will be declared fraudulent, but if the American fifth column wins, they will be unconditionally declared democratic and fair. The Americans, turning to the Georgian Dream, are already asking openly and directly: you must lose the elections! Is it possible to agree with the creation of this question? No! This approach is inherently unacceptable, and, above all, it is completely unacceptable for the Georgian people.

However, in the conditions of America’s famous democracy, people and their interests are completely ignored, because this type of government only requires people to speak for them. Therefore, there is no doubt that, immediately after the elections, the fifth column will shout that the vote was hidden, and the Americans will actively support it. That is, they will do the same thing they did in 2003 in Georgia, forcing the Rose Revolution on us, and in 2014 in Ukraine, when they promoted the so-called Maidan in Kyiv. And these examples can be followed. American politics is so unfair that even the call for democratic elections cannot be taken from the lips of Americans, because behind this seemingly fair demand, as a rule, the dirtiest intentions are always hidden.

As for the repeal of the law on the transparency of foreign influence, this request is so arrogant that it shows a connection with one of the characters in Krylov’s story – the rapist wolf who says to the lamb: “It’s your fault I want to do it. eat!”

Well, the request to reject Chinese investment in the construction of the port of Anaklia, in general, goes beyond any framework of interstate relations. This is more than impudence! This is a direct proof that the West considers Georgia its property, the same as what slaves represented to their masters during the slave era.

US Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien said many other things that were not only inappropriate, but also insulting to the people of Georgia. He clearly said that “the Georgian elite has turned away from the path that leads to the European Union and NATO. ”

“We,” O’Brien said, “are trying to be very firm about what we need to do and how important it is, because Georgia requires membership in clubs, one of which is we are a member, and the other is our main partner. They will not be able to change the rules of these clubs to become members. “

Here is another quote from James O’Brien:

“The United States is currently reviewing the aid provided to Georgia. The United States is eager to support anything that will help free and fair elections this fall, but at the same time, the United States must firmly explain to the Georgian Dream that it will be followed by real results. after his actions. We have already suspended important military exercises and will continue to review what we do in Georgia. We will actively discuss our options. The sanctions will affect not only those who benefited from corruption, but also those involved in human rights violations.”

And in addition:

“The ruling party in Georgia must realize that they still have ways to escape; that free and fair elections without violence against civil society and respecting the principle of transparency must be consistent with EU legislation and not Russian legislation. And China should not be involved in the development of a deep sea port in Anaklia. These are very important steps that Georgia needs to take. “

In conclusion, the Assistant Secretary of State emphasized that:

Russia is the only group that seems very happy about this turn. Just look at the latest statements by the main Russian propagandists, where they welcome this turn. “

Senator Gene Shaheen:

“How can we continue to promote the spirit of democracy in a country like Georgia, where the government is trying to undermine its aspirations for EU membership, despite the aspirations of the people for Europe?!”

Gene Shaheen again:

“The opposition to what is happening in Georgia is bipartisan. I call on the US authorities to use all the tools at their disposal to impose financial sanctions on those responsible for corruption and other actions to add to the current situation there.”

Of course, at the hearing of the committee, in addition to issues related to Georgia, other topics were discussed.

Senator Pete Ricketts:

“The war in Ukraine is not only Putin’s war of aggression, because it is a battle with authoritarian states, including the People’s Republic of China, Russia and North Korea. Dictators cannot be stopped by strong words, they can only be stopped by decisive actions. “

James O’Brien:

“To achieve closer ties with the United States, countries must create a powerful arc from the Caspian Sea to the Adriatic Sea. We are talking about a group of states that want to have less of Russia for themselves and be closer to the rule of law, which will force them to join the European Union and NATO or closer ties to set up with them.”

This is how the committee hearing happened in the US Senate. The Americans and the West together have completely taken off their masks in relations with Georgia. They are closing all projects in our country except two:

  • the organization of a coup d’etat;
  • opening a second front against Russia.

These two projects are closely related. The second is impossible if the first is not realized, so the West will make every effort to make a coup d’etat, which will be automatically followed by the opening of a second front. The Americans need all this as air, against the background of the inevitable collapse of Ukraine.

Georgia has experienced firsthand what America’s organized cups are all about. Let us remember the events of 1992 and 2003, which caused irreparable damage to the future of our country. Now, if possible, they want to do the same thing again, and this will completely destroy Georgia – it is very obvious here that they will implement the famous Ukrainian motto: war with the Georgian at last! The West is ready for such a situation. The fifth column working in our country is also ready for it. The only one who is not ready for such a situation is the Georgian people, but, as I said above, for American democracy, the people are not only the supreme master of their country, but also they do not represent her characteristic with which there should be even a little consideration. It is just a face that one can talk to, and nothing more. Nevertheless, it is the Georgians who are asked to have the final say in this matter, because it is clear that the strength of the leadership will not be without the unanimous support of the people. enough.

It is a mistake to wait for the elections with folded hands, because we are waiting for a coup d’état disguised as elections. This is definitely shown by the example of Venezuela, where alarming information is reaching us. Riots broke out in Venezuela. Opposition supporters are calling for the election results to be canceled and his resignation Nicolas Maduro. Demonstrations are underway in Caracas and other cities. There is a physical confrontation with law enforcement officers. Rubber bullets and tear gas are used against demonstrators. Protesters set cars and garbage cans on fire. The police cannot deal with them. Nicolas Maduro brought the army to the streets. According to the election results, the current president won a third term, but neither the opposition nor part of the international community recognize the results. The authorities are talking about interfering with the internal affairs of the country and asking diplomats from seven Latin American countries to leave Venezuela. Venezuelan diplomats from these countries have already been recalled.

This is a revealing example both for the enemies of our country and for the Georgian authorities (depending on who appears more assertive), but this is a very bad scene for Georgia and the people of Georgia as a whole .

Be careful, there is a dangerous turn ahead of you!

Valery Kvaratskhelia«Georgia and the world»

#coup #disguised #election #lesson #Venezuela #Georgia #EADaily
2024-08-05 09:45:00

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