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“A coup de com” for the teaching union Force Ouvrière Moselle

Launched on March 8, the school saliva test campaign is underway in Moselle. But for the teaching union Snudi Force Ouvrière Moselle, it does not keep its promises. “For an effective campaign, systematic and regular screening is necessary. However, the tests are carried out too sporadically and not massive enough. It’s a sword in the water or just a communication blow to keep schools open at all costs, ”denounces Matthieu Risse, his departmental secretary and academic coordinator.

An analysis that makes Olivier Cottet, the DSDEN (Director of Departmental Services for National Education) jump: “You can see what it would mean to regularly test the 90,000 students of the 1is degree? We have chosen three large schools (La Seille in Metz, Erckmann-Chatrian in Behren-lès-Forbach and La Providence in Thionville) which are tested every two weeks and monitored by the ARS (regional agency health). At the same time, other schools are being tested. “While FO points to a” lack of transparency on the figures “, Olivier Cottet plays his cards on the table. He claims nearly 9,000 tests carried out in the space of two weeks and a “high rate of consent” from parents of nearly 80%: “In the week of March 8 to 15, we conducted 2,405 saliva tests for 8 positive cases (0.34%) and 10 uninterpretable tests. The week of March 16 to 19 clearly shows our increase in power with 4,063 saliva tests for 4 positive cases (0.09%) and 10 uninterpretable tests. »During this same fortnight, 2,505 antigenic tests were carried out for 7 positive cases (0.28%).

Tracing of positive cases

Responding to FO, who regrets that the results of these tests are communicated by families to schools only according to their goodwill, the DSDEN here again wishes to provide details: “In order to respect medical confidentiality, the results are effectively communicated directly to families but positive cases are reported to a single person from the National Education: the medical adviser to the Academic Director, who ensures the tracing. “

The error of the invoiced tests

The union, which calls for priority vaccination and the supply of FFP2 masks for all volunteer staff, is also asking for organizational help to enable school directors to cope with this increased workload. Response from Olivier Cottet: “I thank the directors for their involvement but I don’t think they take a dim view of this. And we have hired about 20 people who are exclusively responsible for administering these tests. “FO finally denounces a quack:” Some families were surprised to receive invoices, where this campaign was announced as free. The academic director confirms the information. But is quick to clarify that this had no consequences: “It is a laboratory error and it did not give rise to any payment. “

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