Home » today » News » A Coruña: Víctor Moscoso, a reference in the design of psychedelic posters, at the Luis Seoane Foundation | Radio Coruña

A Coruña: Víctor Moscoso, a reference in the design of psychedelic posters, at the Luis Seoane Foundation | Radio Coruña

At the age of three, Víctor Moscoso left for the United States with his family. There he achieved fame thanks to his I work as a psychedelic rock poster designer, advertising, and underground comic book production in San Francisco during the 1960s and ’70s. A pioneer who today, at 85 years old, he “returns home”, as he himself has said, with a unique exhibition that can be enjoyed from tomorrow at the Luís Seoane Foundation.

‘Moscoso Cosmos, or Víctor Moscoso’s visual universe “ is the title of this exhibition with which we travel to those decades and learn more about the work of a Galician-American who turned everything he knew to revolutionize the world of color. Víctor Moscoso has been present via telematics from his home in the United States.

In the presentation of this exhibition, unique in the world, the family that Moscoso still has in A Coruña has been present, among them the mayor of Oleiros, Ángel García Seoane. Moscoso has had a memory for his native Galicia and for its language.

The catalog, owned by the council, and which has been worked by David Carballal for more than five years, will travel from A Coruña to León and from there to Avilés on a tour that starts from A Coruña.

Work continues to inventory the works of Luís Seoane

The Board of the Luís Seoane Foundation for now will not adopt new decisions to safeguard the heritage of the artist from Coruña. At the moment, an inventory of Seoane’s work is being carried out after the appearance of some allegedly false works that were exhibited in Lalín with the support of the Xunta de Galicia.

The mayor of A Coruña and president of the Board of the Luís Seoane Foundation, Inés Rey, highlighted the unanimous agreement of the board of trustees on the measures to be adopted and which also include the possible judicial route.

The exhibition about which the controversy arises was held last year and was entitled “Magical creations of exact measurements. Maruja Mallo and Luis Seoane in Buenos Aires (1936-1965)“It was made up of particle paintings. It was an exhibition curated by Antón Castro and in it 43 works were exhibited, 18 by Maruja Mallo and 25 by Luis Seoane.

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