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A cork near the fruit is enough to get rid of this annoying problem

A bowl of fruit in plain sight can brighten up any kitchen. But it turns into a nightmare when it attracts the infamous midges. How to remove them? Thanks to a grandmother’s remedy: a cork next to the fruit is enough to get rid of this annoying problem. Let’s find out why.

How to prevent an infestation of fruit flies

The midges that often infest kitchens, known as fruit flies, respond to the scientific name of drosophila melanogaster. They are attracted to sugars and moisture. That’s why they are often seen fluttering next to the fruit bowl. Especially if the fruits are particularly ripe. But that’s not all: midges are also attracted to decaying meat, junk and alcoholic beverages.

This is why the advice for preventing an infestation is to keep the kitchen clean. And above all, free from food waste. You have to throw out the trash often, make sure you throw away the food that is going bad, don’t leave any food residues in the sink, etc.

Taking these precautions is important: in fact, fruit flies reproduce really quickly. Suffice it to say that the female lays even 500 eggs at a time. These will become larvae within 30 hours. In short, you can find yourself having to face a real infestation. Fortunately, fruit flies don’t bite, but they can contaminate food with bacteria.

What, then, if the midges keep fluttering next to the fruit bowl? Fortunately, a grandmother’s remedy comes to our aid. A cork near the fruit is enough to get rid of this annoying problem. Here’s how the natural trick works.

Get rid of midges thanks to the grandmother’s remedy

Throwing away the corks is a shame – they can be reused for many creative ideas. To these is added a truly brilliant grandmother’s remedy. In fact, corks are a perfect repellent against fruit flies.

The reason is simple: cork is able to absorb the moisture emitted by ripe fruit. Insects will thus be less attracted to it. But that’s not all: the cork also emits an aroma that repels insects.

How do you proceed to try this trick? Just keep the corks of the wine bottles! Beware, though: these must be made from 100% natural cork.

Therefore, caps made of synthetic material are not suitable.

Corks must be washed and dried thoroughly. After that, just arrange them in the fruit bowl. Or wherever fruits and vegetables are stored.

What if you don’t have enough caps available? In this case, you can opt for the purchase of a fruit container made of cork! Using wine corks, however, has an added value: you reuse an object that should be thrown away instead of buying a new one. Thus, we take care not only of the cleaning of our kitchen. But also the environment!

In short, no more midges in the kitchen. Just a cork next to the fruit to get rid of this annoying problem!

Speaking of fruit, however, here is another ingenious idea of ​​recycling: take advantage of the fruit screens to save money.

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