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A Controversial Journey: Zaniolo’s Career, Personal Life, and Brush with Crime

It was 2019: Zaniolo, 20 years old at the time, would instead remain at Roma until February 2023, when he hastily emigrated to Turkey, to Galatasaray (a very short experience, lasting until June, before moving to Aston Villa). A lightning career dotted with many moments to remember: the debut in the national team with Roberto Mancini in 2019, the double against Porto in the Champions League at the Olimpico, the decisive goal in the Conference League final in Tirana against Feyenoord (2022). In between two very serious knee injuries (in 2020, cruciate ligament rupture) which put his career at risk. The recovery was long and very tiring, the collapse almost sudden in the hearts of Roman fans.

Zaniolo between crime and crime news

In Trigoria the consideration changes drastically. But it’s not just about football stories. Crime news and crime news often intertwine in Zaniolo’s life in Rome. Everything comes out in the media: from the very complicated relationship with his (ex) partner Sara Scaperrotta (first pregnancy interrupted and the second initially unwanted by the player, now father of Tommaso, born in 2021) to the audio of a red-light meeting of the talent Giallorossi in a park in the middle of the night in the Talenti district, an episode that ended with the opening of an investigation for “revenge porn” against a young man accused of having spread that voice via Whatsapp. And again: the mother’s double bad adventure with the Roman underworld, robbed of a car in the home garage and then attacked in person by a couple of arrested and convicted bandits.

In the same period the writings against him and against his mother – always present in her son’s social life – in Trigoria and at the Colosseum. Then the arguments with the Lazio ultras and the plea bargain in the sporting proceedings for having denigrated – with a chant on the bus after the victory in the Conference – the Lazio striker Mattia Zaccagni, now married to Chiara Nasti, Zaniolo’s former partner who reacted with heavy sexual innuendos towards Nicolò. Last but not least, last January 30th, shortly before the farewell, the car chase of pseudo fans to his home in Casal Palocco. Insults, death threats, the family terrified. Then the story of the ultras angry at Roma’s defeat in Naples came out. Today, however, it cannot be ruled out that the scenario could have been different.

(Gianluca Piacentini collaborated)

2023-10-15 05:02:29
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