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A constant mobilization towards young people for the city of Nîmes

Tiphaine Leblond

What actions does the city take towards students?

I will first quote the Young Talents Scholarshipa musical springboard for up-and-coming artists which has turned into an exceptional relief fund for the year 2021. The city has chosen to adapt it by allocating exceptional financial aid – up to 1,500 euros maximum – per file, to requesting artists/musicians, justifying significant difficulties and financial losses linked to the crisis.
For only €26.50, Nîmois aged 13 to 23, as well as young people from participating municipalities can obtain the summer passport. Cinema tickets, bowling parties or laser games, tree climbing sessions but also swimming pools, restaurants, canoe trips… everything is possible. A device that meets with great success every year.

What other initiatives have you developed for young audiences?

In addition to the creation of a Municipal Youth Council for middle school students that we would like to extend to high school students, we have set up a few years ago a Help for Youth Projects. The principle: to support projects carried out by young people and in particular students in sport, the environment, health, education, or even the arts… Our objective: to stimulate initiative and the capacity for creation and development. innovation in a citizen framework.
Thanks to youth service, young people have access to a maximum of useful information in terms of health, housing, employment, seasonal jobs, employment abroad, integration, military census, etc. Without forgetting information on the various establishments of higher education, public and private, university or professional, diplomas, trades, etc. The city of Nîmes has also recently distributed 300 gourmet bags to help students from residential homes CROUS, in a precarious situation, following the health crisis. Inside, an entry for the temporary exhibition of the Museum of Romanitydelicacies such as candies and chocolates as well as other surprises.

Nîmes is therefore a city where life is good?

Nîmes is a city on the move. It is sporty and young people appreciate it. More than 36,000 Nîmes regularly practice one or more of the 60 disciplines offered by the various clubs. So yes, the sport contributes greatly to animate the city. Sport in Nîmes is a set of municipal services that ensure the maintenance of 51 sites representing 421 equipment.
Nîmes is also appreciated for its heritage, performing Arts, museums, current music, public reading, scientific culture… Young people who studied in Nîmes and then left to work elsewhere come back. It’s a strong trend. It is up to us to do everything possible to ensure that they stay, and we are working on this more intensely than ever.


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