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a complaint against the Minister of Education for “endangering the life of others”

The group of teachers “Les Stylos Rouges” lodged a complaint for “deliberate endangering the life of others” against the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer before the Court of Justice of the Republic.

The “red pens” collective claim more than 70,000 teachers as members. He has just lodged a complaint against the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer before the Court of Justice of the Republic “so that he responds to his lies, his refusal to secure schools and his inability to protect staff , students and their families facing the Covid-19 ”.

Since the end of last summer, this group of teachers have been asking for a strengthening of health protocols in schools. He deplores several aspects of the management of the epidemic by the Ministry of Education and considers “insufficient” the health security measures deployed in schools, colleges and high schools.

More and more infected students (21,000 in total this week), sick staff not replaced … The movement expresses its doubts about the results communicated after the massive screenings carried out since February, and disputes the official figures of class closures and establishments. The collective therefore offers a card supplied by teachers or parents of students who identify local situations of clusters or closures due to Covid-19.

Launched this week, the new campaign from the Ministry of National Education explains the need to keep schools open. But the section “Going to school is staying in good health” comes out at a time when the contaminations of students and staff, teachers or not, are surging. And the new reinforced protocol promised by Jean-Michel Blanquer in the coming days struggles to convince, including parents’ federations.

Other teachers’ unions such as SNUipp, the first primary school union, also denounce “conditions degraded for lack of resources and anticipation” or “classes closed for lack of replacements”. The Snes for its part calls for the “urgent” organization of a health meeting and “neutralization” of the Grand oral of the baccalaureate.

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