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A Comparison of the Consequences of Extreme Weather in Different Regions: The Importance of Geography

– An illustration that a given expected amount of water has different consequences for the feeling of disaster. It is not just the weather that matters, but where it hits. The people of Bergen and Stavanger are not encouraged to work at home today, I think. Wishing everyone a good day!, wrote chief economist at Equinor Eirik Wærness on the website X/Twitter, on Tuesday this week.

He refers to weather reports from Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger.

Extreme weather “Hans” is ravaging Norway, and has had major consequences for parts of Norway’s population. The extreme weather has led to areas being affected by floods and landslides. In several municipalities, residents have been evacuated, and in Viken there are 2,360 who have been evacuated, writes NTB.

Reacting to the statement

One of those who reacted to Wærness’ statement is the Green Party’s deputy leader Ingrid Liland. She answers herself website X/Twitter:

– One would think that the understanding of geography was greater in Equinor and that the respect for tragedies that change many people’s lives was in place. It’s easy to laugh at other people’s tragedies when you’re safe in it. Shouldn’t they spend the time on the energy transition that can prevent more extreme weather?, she writes.

– Eirik Wærness compares the weather in Oslo and Western Norway. But different geography means that the consequences will be completely different. It should be unnecessary to tell someone who works with energy, says Liland to Dagsavisen.

– We are witnessing what for quite a few people is a great tragedy. People have their lives turned upside down and feel unsafe, she says.

Liland thinks it is tasteless that people who have made good money from fossil energy, which is one of the factors affecting the climate crisis, use their position to trivialize the situation the people who are affected are in.


Eirik Wærness apologizes via Equinor’s press contact for the message he wrote on X/Twitter.

– This came out completely wrong on my part, and I just have to apologise. It does not represent Equinor’s view either, he says.

2023-08-09 20:55:45

#Equinors #chief #economist #apologizes #extreme #weather #comment

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