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a company to take as an example

Audi is focusing heavily on the new Audi Q4 e-tron. These are the latest in the electric range proposed by the car manufacturer

The electrical breakthrough is already underway. For now on an optional basis. But, soon, the automotive lawsuits could be forced by government and community measures to revolutionize their production. The dates on the ban on producing and marketing traditionally fueled cars follow one another.

Audi (Getty Images)

Audi at the forefront

However, we should not go beyond 2035. For this reason, starting to think about conversion only now means that we are already enormously late. Audi, instead, it seems to have moved with the right timing. And he has been planning a transformation for some time. Which, therefore, when everything is made mandatory, could find it perfectly prepared and avant-garde.

Audi electric refills at home
Audi Headquarters (RPM Media Group)

The car manufacturer of the four rims, in fact, provides for the introduction of only new electric propulsion models from 2026. The cessation of the production of heat engines from should instead take place from 2033. Even in advance of at least two years than indicated by the European Commission.

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Employees as “guinea pigs”

Audi is focusing heavily on the new ones Audi Q4 e-tron. These are the latest in the electric range proposed by the car manufacturer. In all, with reference to the electric, we have six models, waiting for the A6, which for now is only a concept car.

Audi Q4 E Tron (Getty Images)
Audi Q4 E Tron (Getty Images)

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And so, to test the cars, Audi asks for help from employees. And so, therefore, above all the new Audi Q4 e-tron have been entrusted to employees for some test drives. In recent weeks, the first opinions are already arriving, in order to possibly implement some future changes.

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A move that may seem a little retro, but actually has its advantages. Especially in terms of reliability. Because employees tend to be competent people on the subject and care about the fate of the company in which they work.

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