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A collection of affections made into art is on display in New York

The HagalaU digital platform was born in 2000 as an alternative to tell Medellín from its cultural dynamics and the stories of artists and passionate about rap, metal, punk, ska, reggae, salsa, Celtic music , electronics, industrial and other sounds. They give a voice to the emerging artists of Medellín. It is journalism, radio and art.

By: Nelson jaramillo

It seemed lies that what caught my attention in the headlines of the Chinese news was real in my country, it was hard for me to believe that a quarantine was decreed, a lockdown, not being able to be free.

By listening to the radio, communicators tried not to panic, days later we were terrified, then adapted; and fear conquered our existence. The ones about information and misinformation reached the same conclusion: do not go out. If you go out, you risk it, if you risk it, you affect yourself and your loved ones. This pandemic sounds like a bad joke, but it is not.

Fear grows in the mind of contagion, you suspect everything, even yourself, you stay awake, but it is not enough for your care, you lose sleep and dreams are clouded with uncertainty, when will it be my turn?

Desolate city, empty streets, long silences, closed businesses, anguish and despair in the streets, screaming needs in the midst of intermittent absence.

The days go by the same, everything is flat, monotonous, routine and while this happens I learn to discover in myself and my family a dynamic of life that exceeds traditional cohesion, we are together because we are happy together, we laugh and get angry with each other. others, we learn and recognize ourselves, I discover new stories, new tastes, new hates and loves that were not there before, or rather, we did not perceive.

And virtuality became the lifeline of non-isolation, meetings of friends and families, even virtual parties I have experienced, cloths of warm water so as not to despair. More mother mothers, especially, so as not to forget and reconnect in our new reality.

I think I have survived, but this is not over yet. What would become of me, if it weren’t for the pandemic!

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