Home » today » News » a citizen’s response to a nearby high school that bans the LGBT flag

a citizen’s response to a nearby high school that bans the LGBT flag

This one is going to be much more difficult to ban. A resident of Newberg, a town a few miles from Portland, Oregon, decided to start making a giant rainbow flag and set it up in your garden. A choice which follows the ban of the city high school, of which it is the neighbor, to display “political symbols” within the establishment.

On August 10, the educational council of Newberg High School voted in favor of this ban. This one only concerns LGBT and Black Lives Matter symbols, although the pro-police “thin blue line” flags were also mentioned, reports Slate, relaying information from NBC News.

“I felt very bad for these children (…) who hear that the symbol which represents solidarity with who they are is not acceptable,” Jaybill McCarthy told local media. The man then proposed on his Twitter account to build an LGBT + flag and received dozens of aid and donation proposals.

On August 15, joined by volunteers, Jaybill McCarthy then embarked on the manufacture and installation of the standard, painted on wood. High school students at Newberg High School will now be able to admire a flag 2.5 meters high and 5 meters long from the windows of their classrooms.

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