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A child from Ukraine became the owner of the most expensive medicine

Photo: pixabay.com

The medicine was played out in a lottery among sick children

Zolgensma, worth $ 2,125,000 per dose, is the first gene therapy drug for treating children under 2 years of age with spinal muscular amyotrophy.

The owner of the most expensive drug in the world for the treatment of a serious genetic disease was a boy from the town of Skalat in the Ternopil region. He won the medicine in a lottery organized by the manufacturer. It is reported by Ukrinform.

According to the child’s mother, the disease began to progress after the boy was one year old. Diagnosis – spinal muscular amyatrophy.

The drug that was won will be administered in one of the Okhmatdet clinics in Kiev.

As the boy’s mother said, earlier there was a charitable fundraiser for the child’s treatment. In four months, we managed to collect more than 33 million hryvnyas.

Zolgensma, worth $ 2,125,000 per dose, is the first gene therapy drug to treat children under 2 years of age with spinal muscular amyotrophy (SMA). A full course of treatment can cost $ 2,500,000. Due to the high cost, the drug Zolgensma got into the Guinness Book of Records.

In December 2019, the Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis AG, which manufactures Zolgensma, announced a lottery program in which any child with SMA can win treatment. The distribution system for an expensive drug is like a lottery: once every two weeks, an independent commission draws lots for applications from all countries where such drugs are not sold.

As previously reported, the Ministry of Health launched free drug search service for cancer patients.

Ukrainian scientist received two million euros to improve medicines

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