Home » Business » A cheaper Christmas. According to the survey, you can save a lot on books, for example | TN.cz

A cheaper Christmas. According to the survey, you can save a lot on books, for example | TN.cz

The trend of the coming Christmas is in many cases the purchase of second-hand gifts for the tree. This follows from a survey prepared by the Knihobot company. A third of the survey participants have already purchased or plan to purchase such a gift.

According to Barbora Votavová from the Knihobot company, the results are surprising mainly because the main motivation for buying second-hand is the fact that the goods in question cannot be found otherwise.

“Customers are price-sensitive. However, the belief that gifts should be new still remains. Czechs are only just learning to give a second-hand item. If they do, it is usually for a pragmatic reason – the item cannot be found elsewhere. For our unique offer, contact us most of the customers are also heading there before Christmas,” says Votavová. She talked about the new trend in the program Readers on TN Live.

1,700 respondents who were approached by Knihobot took part in the survey. It results, for example, from the fact that 60 percent of the respondents have ever bought a second-hand gift. This year’s Christmas will be solved by a second-hand gift, especially people in the over sixty age group. There are 45 percent of them. In the 36 to 60 age group, it is 31 percent. The least number of people who buy a second-hand gift are in the 18 to 35 age group, namely 23 percent.

​”The fact that people are not afraid to reach for second-hand goods is great news for us. We believe that thanks to an excellent customer experience, it is possible to gradually remove prejudices towards used goods, and in the future customers will buy everything they need regardless of whether they are used goods , or not,” says Votavová.

Readers is a regular program of the Nova TN Live television platform. Moderator Kristina Kloubková invites attractive guests from the world of literature and other personalities. The guest of the latest episode was, for example, the actor Igor Bareš or the writer Petr Macek.

In the program, Kloubková also presents new books that are headed for bookstore shelves, and conducts interviews with their authors.


2023-12-08 16:37:00
#cheaper #Christmas #survey #save #lot #books #TN.cz

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