The Departmental Directorate for the Protection of the Populations of Seine-et-Marne (DDPP 77) a sign lately a stopped aimed at determining a temporary restricted area around a case of avian influenzahighly pathogenic within the wildlife. This virus was indeed present on two swans found dead on February 18 at the edge of the Canal de l’Ourcq, in the town of Fresnes-sur-Marne. The prefectural decree implemented, in a radius of fivekilometers around this municipality, several measures: visit by a health veterinarian to commercial farms (farms and animal facilities) in the control zone, confinement of poultry and other captive birds (commercial and non-commercial farms, in particular backyards ), strict compliance with biosecurity measures, prohibition of entry and exit of all poultry from its place of detention and other captive birds and prohibition of gatherings of birds (fairs, markets and exhibitions). Those restrictive measures will be lifted from the 24 mars and to health situation improves.
The 19 municipalities concerned: Annet-sur-Marne, Carnetin, Charmentray, Charny, Claye-Souilly, Compans, Dampmart, Fresnes-sur-Marne, Gressy, Jablines, Messy, Mitry-Mory, Natouillet, Precy-sur-Marne, Saint-Mesmes, Thieux, Thorigny-sur-Marne, Trilbardou and Villevaudé.