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A carpool lane from the A3 to Thionville?

Every morning, 250,000 free car seats enter the agglomeration of Luxembourg. That is to say on average 1.16 people per car for residents and 1.22 for cross-border workers, notes the Ministry of Mobility. Very insufficient. So, ideas are flowing to boost carpooling: make the emergency lane accessible on the A4, create dedicated lanes on the A6 and on the A3 which will switch to 2×3 lanes between the Croix de Gasperich and the French border.

“Financing cross-border projects”

Minister François Bausch is in favor of the co-financing of cross-border projects: “I believe that Luxembourg has every interest in co-financing infrastructure projects in neighboring countries. This is useful to us and makes life easier for cross-border workers ”, justifies the environmentalist minister who, on the other hand, says“ against the tax transfer ”. Mr Bausch reminds that Luxembourg is funding future work on the railway line to the tune of 120 million euros. Without forgetting the P + Rs in Thionville.

A last project for which the State is working to acquire the last necessary plots. Minister Déi Gréng, François Bausch, would like to see this logic continue on the French side. “It would be interesting to continue the extension on the A31, at least until Thionville. Even if it means using the emergency lane for carpooling ”.

Fill vehicles more

Another avenue: invite the employer to prioritize carpooling in the allocation of rare parking spaces at work. Not to mention the creation of small car parks scattered throughout the region.

In a parliamentary response, the ministry rejected the idea of ​​reserving places for carpoolers in P + Rs, “intended for public transport”. On the other hand, it will be “possible to reward occasional carpoolers there with the price of parking. A P + R application will be implemented by the CFL in 2022, and offered to other players such as the city of Luxembourg, which will manage the P + R of the Cloche d’Or. The idea: parking for registered users will become free once they have left, other than with their car, a perimeter around the P + R.

(Thomas Holzer and Nicolas Martin / L’essentiel)

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