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A cargo ship with Bulgarians on board requested emergency medical care due to COVID cases

A cargo ship with crew members who may have been infected with Covid-19 will dock in Fremantle, Western Australia, the Canberra Times reported today.

The BBC California left Egypt on June 8 and has been in three ports in Indonesia since then.

Seven of the 14-member crew felt unwell around July 12, and the captain sought medical attention.

The Prime Minister of Western Australia Mark McGowan said that the ship will be able to dock in Fremantle only for a medical examination and a special medical team will be on board.

“We believe there is a Covid-19 on board this ship, so all precautions will be taken,” McGowan said.

The sick crew members are six Filipinos and one Russian. The rest are citizens of Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine. They are isolated in separate cabins and currently do not need medical attention.

“BBC California” is flying the flag of Antigua and Barbuda.

According to the specialized site vesselfinder.com, the ship has already anchored in Fremantle.

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