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A Canadian Man’s Inspiring Solo Kayak Journey: From Grief to Triumph

A Canadian man (65) has had a successful solo trip by kayak. No less than 11,000 kilometers and 14 months later, Mark Fuhrmann has reached the finish line in Halifax in Canada. There is a personal story behind his journey. Fuhrmann’s wife died ten years ago. He no longer wanted to remain in a negative spiral and set out by kayak.

His great adventure started last year in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. Fuhrmann then headed for the Gulf of Mexico and turned all the way back. Good for no less than 11,000 kilometers. “I had to stay focused all the time,” Fuhrmann told CBC. “It was a fantastic journey. You know, even if I never do it again, I’m so thankful for the lessons I’ve learned.”

Fuhrmann’s journey. © RV

Behind the journey, which was baptized ‘Reverse the bad’, there is a personal story. Fuhrmann got the idea to travel by kayak after the death of his wife, about ten years ago. He wanted to turn the negative in his life into something positive. That new energy can then be used to do things that make you happy.

Mark Fuhrmann’s wife died ten years ago. Then he got the idea to go on a long kayak trip. © RV

During his journey, Fuhrmann learned to appreciate the little things in life more. “I noticed that waking up in my tent, listening to the birds and lapping on the water really made me happy. Through all these little things I also got to know myself better. “After months of living in nature, I understand that nature is pure. We need to be able to escape into nature to find a part of ourselves.”

Fuhrmann spent the night in his tent and cabins. © RV


In recent months, Fuhrmann has spent the night in his tent and in huts he encountered on his way. On the last night of his trip, he passed a house in Ketch Harbour. Fuhrmann wanted to set up his tent in the garden, but the owner had another proposal. She offered him her guest room. “She also invited her neighbor and ordered pizza. It was a beautiful last night. Meeting likeable people on your path is great,” said Fuhrmann.

“Some nights I had to drag my kayak up rocky slopes, while other nights I was lucky enough to sleep on docked ships. There were also challenging waves, lots of ferries and fishing boats to avoid. It’s been incredibly exhausting… and I’m looking forward to a good night’s sleep in a real bed.”

“This trip was one of the most extreme things I’ve done in my life. I didn’t know what I was starting. Honestly, I’m happy to be able to return to my family. I haven’t seen them in over a year,” he concludes.

During his trip, Fuhrmann raised money – about 6,200 euros – for Doctors Without Borders and Captains Without Borders, an organization that helps people from underprivileged backgrounds to make a career at sea possible.

Mark Fuhrmann on his solo trip. © RV

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2023-08-21 12:02:33
#Man #successfully #completes #solo #kayak #trip #kilometers

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