In connection with the attraction of more young people who are preparing for a career in the tourism sector, Minister Dimitrov and the Ministry of Tourism are organizing a campaign aimed at cooperation with specialized tourism schools, which is key to solving the problem of personnel in tourism.
This campaign is fully in the context of the 2023 European Year of Skills announced by the European Commission.
“Young people from tourism schools should be shown that this is a promising and attractive field for realization. There are many opportunities for career development and talent development in tourism as well, they just need to have more information and incentives”, says Minister Ilin Dimitrov.
According to the concept and message of the EC, the European Year of Skills will give a new impetus to lifelong learning by giving people and businesses the opportunity to contribute to the green and digital transition by supporting innovation and competitiveness.
And lifelong learning – the ability to acquire knowledge and develop – starts from the school bench. Starting next week, Minister Ilin Dimitrov will start a series of meetings in vocational high schools in tourism in the country.
According to him, everyone working in the sector contributes to the quality of our tourist product. And without staff training, we cannot have a quality product.
“Our aim is with my fellow deputy ministers to visit most of the more than 110 secondary schools where tourism is studied and through conversations, meetings with successful managers and sharing good practices to motivate students, engage them and show them that in fact they are tomorrow’s specialists,” says Minister Dimitrov.
The material Launches a campaign to attract young people to tourism was published for the first time on Novini ot Burgas.