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A businesswoman from London lured a Bulgarian with half a million in a bit …

A twisted businesswoman from London managed to deceive our Tuzar and drag him away with nearly half a million levs, which were supposed to go for a joint investment. The money was stolen by computer.

This was revealed by the Ministry of Interior to the Telegraph. In the last month alone, there have been three Bulgarians stung. The sums with which the other two men were relieved are 50,000 euros and 100,000 dollars. In the course of the investigation it became clear that the ladies who pretend to be financiers are from Hong Kong and Ukraine.

Women find victims in various applications such as Facebook, Instagram, Tinder. They investigate whether they are engaged in online investment, cryptocurrency. Communication begins immediately, which is transferred to viber or watsop. First they pretend to be girlfriends, then they start enchanting the victim, “forensic experts explained.

After the hackers find out that the Bulgarian has money or bitcoins in their accounts and have won his trust, they make an offer that he has a tempting project and can invest equally in it – 50,000 euros, for example.

However, one of the BG victims shared that he had only 20 vouchers, and the woman quickly said that she would add the other 80 to make the deal. She gave a platform made by hackers and that’s where the payment took place. After the transaction, the Bulgarian never heard of the beautiful Londoner again. The same scheme was applied by the other babes. Hackers from China and Ukraine are believed to be the most active in cryptocurrencies at the moment.

The second internet scheme, which cheats the most people with large sums at the moment, is related to love. Although painfully known as allo-fraud, it continues to operate in full force and only about ten days ago a 68-year-old pensioner from Burgas burned by BGN 50,000. The perpetrators in 99% of cases are Nigerians detected by the Interior Ministry.

They are made of American generals and colonels. They connect through social networks with our pensioners and begin to share their personal tragedy. Of course, completely fake. It sounds like this – that the wife of the general in question died of cancer, has an orphan child, but he needs money. Since his are in a bank and he can’t withdraw them, he asks his grandmother to send them to him.

He also gives a fake password and account in his alleged online banking. “This is a fictional site where he can indicate what amounts he wants in terms of availability. There was a case of one who even wrote that he had $ 1 million. The elderly woman had given him over BGN 90,000,” investigators said.

The last victim, despite warnings, succumbed to the scheme. You wrote to the alleged general for almost a month. Finally, she transferred 50 vouchers to him, which she took from relatives, and withdrew all her savings from the bank. The Ministry of Interior reported that there is one such fraud every 0 days. Victims find it difficult to give signals because they are ashamed that they have been caught.

One of the biggest online strikes in our country hackers made by stealing the IBAN of a company. The law enforcement agency said that literally every week one home company burns with huge sums in the range of 60-100 thousand euros and above. This happens after the cyber thugs manage to enter the correspondence of the company’s accounting and change the number of the bank account where the payment is to be made.

This type of fraud is also perpetrated by Nigerians, as well as their “colleagues” from Bnin, Côte d’Ivoire and Mali.

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