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A businessman was kidnapped in Poltava region – Korrespondent.net

The attackers carefully planned the crime

Having kidnapped a man on New Year’s Eve, the attackers demanded a ransom for him. Then they planned to kill the victim.

An entrepreneur was kidnapped in the Poltava region on New Year’s Eve. The intruders were going to demand a ransom for the man, and then kill him by throwing the body into the river. About it informs press service of the Department of Criminal Investigation of the National Police.

“According to established information, a group of people from the Caucasian region planned and prepared in advance for the commission of a cruel crime: they acquired an inflatable boat, a rope, dumbbells, etc. Having kidnapped a man, they demanded money. Then they planned to kill him and throw his body into the Dnieper River. “, – the message says.

The investigators established that the car of the missing 55-year-old businessman is located in one of the cities of the Kiev region. The police officers located the victim and released him. Law enforcement officers seized a number of material evidence, including the vehicle on which the attackers were moving.

The intruders were detained. While their actions are qualified under Articles 115 (Intentional Murder), 189 (Extortion), 289 (Unlawful taking possession of a vehicle), 146 (Unlawful imprisonment or abduction of a person) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as part of an organized criminal group.

The pre-trial investigation continues.

As previously reported, a foreigner was kidnapped in Kiev… The ex-spouse of a foreigner, her mother, brother and their acquaintance were involved in the abduction. They knocked out $ 2 thousand from the man.

Before that in Lviv kidnapped a nine month old baby… The girl was wanted by police officers from three regions. The former cohabitant of the child’s mother is suspected of committing a crime.

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