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A building focused on the future

The intercommunal school union (Sivos) of Gallardon inaugurated its new administrative headquarters on Friday in Bailleau-Armenonville.

Emmanuel Meyer, president of the Intercommunal School Union (Sivos) of Gallardon, brought together, on Friday evening, elected officials, representatives of National Education, the architect, business representatives and staff in the new Sivos headquarters, which opens its doors after ten months of work.

With a surface area of ​​approximately 600 m2 and at a cost of 1.9 million euros, this building brings together all the union’s services in functional and pleasant premises.

Functional and ecological

“This place embodies our commitment in terms of excellence, modernity, accessibility and preservation of the environment,” declares Emmanuel Meyer. The difference between the new Gas headquarters and the old one is impressive: large and bright offices, technical rooms meeting the latest standards, a good-sized meeting room, a functional garage and workshop.

The building was eagerly awaited by all the administrative and technical agents of Sivos. Emmanuel Meyer insists on the ecological aspect, which is particularly close to his heart. The choice was made of sustainable materials, renewable energy and responsible resource management. “This demonstrates our desire to bequeath to future generations a healthy and preserved environment,” specifies the president of Sivos.

This project was made possible thanks to the commitment of everyone, from local elected officials to the architect, including the mixed economy company (Saedel), which operates in the development and construction sectors, and the local businesses.

Nine municipalities depend directly on Sivos. The union has educational competence, in particular that of the territory’s nursery schools, responsibility for school transport, management of the midday break of nursery and elementary schools, and the maintenance of nursery school buildings and school restaurants.

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