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A Brief on Politics and Wars: Insights from Kissinger and Brzezinski

To understand what is going on in the world, you should read Kissinger and Brzezinski well, he pointed out

Sofia, Bulgaria14 Oct. 2023, 21:40 15660 read 16 comments

Professor Nikolay Vitanov gave brief information about politics and wars to date.

Here is what the mathematician wrote on his Facebook profile:

Politics and War Brief for October 14, 2023

Since I’m still being chased by deadlines, I’ll be working on my other tasks and won’t post here for a few days. The next notes will be on Wednesday, so I’ll write a few short notes today to compensate.

I have written to you, I am writing it again – to understand what is happening in the world, you must read Kissinger and Brzezinski well. Here’s your dose of Kissinger for today

Henry Kissinger (Day 2):

… Depopulation must be the highest priority of foreign policy toward the third world, since the U.S. economy will require large and increasing quantities of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries …

Short and clear. do you now see why having a tribe of peddlers installed will essentially do nothing to counter the depopulation. The masters want it that way. But it is not only in our country. The more resources the country has, the more it has to depopulate. You will no longer wonder why the male population of Ukraine is being ground in meat grinders, and the female population is fleeing to other countries.

Depopulation – highest priority. Especially if it leads to a weakening of Russia.

The people of Yurde are again plowing the universe that Vitanov started to preoccupy the people with Henry Kissinger. But he rubbed shoulders with big people in order to appear important. Well, well-and-and-and. they dream of being important, but no one buys them for anything. Plus there is

Vitanov’s Law: when you can’t rise to Vitanov’s intellectual level, the only thing left is to rant against Vitanov.

And it is my right to enlighten the people with the thoughts of Brzezinski and Kissinger, these are smart people influencing the development of an empire.

We drive on. The Bulgarian puppet show? Go full force. We are killing nuclear power and the tets, and the vote of no confidence in the energy policy does not pass. Surprised? Those of you reading these notes are not at all surprised.

We remember Brzezinski – installed tribe of traitors, we remember Kissinger from yesterday – control of energy leads to control of entire continents. Well, it is logical that you have a tribe of sellers installed, which robs you of your energy so that they can control you more easily. And you still produce winter clothes, you stubborn Bulgarians. And this will be forbidden to you – old grandfather Henry also talks about food control.

We are going to the wars. Damn it, I’ve been writing the same thing for a year. Really? That the war in Israel is a week old, well, my little bastards. As I predicted, the Israeli army needs 10 days to push the Palestinian fighters out of Israeli territory. The task is almost complete. What did I write about next? Everything will burn, rivers of blood will flow and the living will envy the dead. That’s what I wrote, right?

And I wrote to you that an effective siege of Gaza City required the massing of a 200,000-strong Israeli army. Well, watch what will happen.

I’ll be gone for a few days, squealing jerks still have a chance to replace me. Let me take it back – come on, you morons, move it, make at least one decent analysis, one decent forecast, three and a half years only the crackers. The same, the same – just hide, hide-ya-ya-ya. That’s why people don’t read you.

Onward to the next war. There you have a firm guide for what Ukrainian success is – the capture of Tokmak. We are already waiting for him on the 16th. We will wait. They won’t take it over while I’m gone. What you should watch these days, while I’m not writing, is what’s happening around Avdeevka – the largest Ukrainian fortified area.

The Russians are advancing, and in order to stabilize the front, the Ukrainians must land at least 2 more brigades there, if there is anywhere to take them. Well, there might be. Watch, it will be interesting there.

Finally – Covid. So far, the people are doing well, the wave has not risen steadily above 500 people per day, it is already close to October. The next 4 weeks are important. Here already be more careful in order to maintain the current coefficient of spread of the virus, which suggests a relatively low wave.

Your individual tactic should be to not pull the trigger, which leads to the collective tactic of suppressing the spread of the virus, which leads to the continued validity of Vitanov’s prediction that there will be no diffuse spread of the virus. And no – already 548 days. It starts on the 19th of the month.

Is there anyone who can beat this record, which is increasing every day? Does not exist. Those idiots haven’t read Kissinger and Brzezinski, what do we expect from them to predict the behavior of complex social systems.

Jurdek eats an attractor and confuses with diffeomorphism – well, let the mathematical board laugh a little. It is clear to you, colleagues, how much of the attractor our little man will eat and how he will enjoy the diffeomorphism afterwards.

So, so, as long as I’ve been messing around with the goblins, they’ve been doing a great job of testing my mathematical social dynamics concepts on them.

Nakaya, another page from the contents of the Japan book. So we are entering modern times. Fudoku kyohei, Gyosei shido – the stones are falling, falling on the neoliberal heads. State-regulated market economy – the basis of Japanese economic success. Male-e-e-e-hey, now the little fools are going to cry over the universe.

The virus doesn’t catch the little ones – simplicity is immortal. For the rest – I wish you health and success and may viruses and wars stay away from you.

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2023-10-14 18:40:10
#Prof #Vitanov #Israel #days #task #completed #then..

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