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A Breton in New York: “It’s a real cataclysm” – World

Since when have you heard of the coronavirus in the United States?

About the same time as in France. At the beginning, we saw it from afar looking at China with the feeling that it could not happen here. Donald Trump, the US president, has done nothing to raise awareness. For a very long time he played down this virus. It clearly didn’t help to realize how serious it was.

Since when has containment been in place?

In New York, it has been in effect since March 22, but there is a lost week. Californians reacted much faster. Conversely, some states, where the population density is lower, have not yet implemented containment.

What is the situation in New York State, which has recorded 6,268 deaths since the start of the pandemic?

It is quite dramatic. The hospitals are all saturated and field hospitals have been set up to absorb the surplus. We are in the midst of this wave of growth in the number of cases and deaths, every day. New York is the most affected city in the world.

Is the city at a standstill?

Public transport continues to run. There are still a lot of people to work, especially in food and home deliveries. La Poste and banks are open. The streets are mostly deserted, while usually it is swarming.

Are the Americans respecting containment?

Overall yes, but there are exceptions. Last weekend in Louisiana, a church brought together more than 1,000 people. The pastor had organized bus pickups. In Florida, the Spring break, the university’s spring break, brought together many students from all over the United States. Some were probably infected and they took it home.

Do you think the US government is up to the crisis?

Donald Trump was in denial until March 15. Today, he still has not taken drastic measures. On Tuesday, he attacked the World Health Organization, threatening to cut the financial funds the United States gives him. The tragedy is that he is currently on an election campaign. When it comes out in the press that the lockdown will be lifted for Easter, there is a real reason behind. He speaks to his electorate. If the United States had had a president who took the crisis seriously, the situation would be much better today. On the other hand, at the state level, the governors lead the fight. In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo holds a daily press conference and he is very educational and reassuring. Every day, he rehashes the message: stay at home!

©JUSTIN LANE/EPA/MAXPPP - epa08346863 A person crosses a quiet Broadway, normally busy with shoppers and tourists on Monday, with the Chrysler building seen in the distance in New York, New York, USA,

How do Americans who do not have health coverage to treat themselves?

I’m pretty sure that a lot of Americans have thought it was going to cost them an arm and a leg to go for treatment and that they prefer to wait and hope it passes. For people who don’t have health insurance, the federal government basically said: treat them, we’ll pay.

How is the economic situation evolving?

There are no partial unemployment plans like in France. Over the past two weeks, there are ten million more unemployed. For many, the questions to come will be: how do I make ends meet? How to find food? It’s a real cataclysm.

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