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A bonus of 1,000 euros for employees in the field. Yes, but for whom, when and how?

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It is intended for “Those who had the courage to go to their place of work”, braving the fear of bringing the Covid-19 home. Bruno Le Maire thus justified the premium of 1,000 euros that companies that wish to reward their employees mobilized in the field could pay. A premium free of social and employer charges. Concretely, what does this announcement by the Minister of Economy change? Five-point answers with the Riviera players concerned.

Who can benefit?

Employees who continue to go to their workplace will be eligible for this bonus. at provided that the company decides to pay it … and that it continues to run. “Those who can benefit from it work in vital activities such as energy, food, logistics, transport or, of course, medicine”, nuance Philippe Renaudi, president of the UPE 06 (Union for the enterprise).

In mass retailing, the Auchan group led the movement, quickly imitated. “In this very particular context, where our teams are on the front line to continue to feed the French, we have decided to recognize their commitment by a bonus which will be paid in the coming days”, says an Auchan communications spokesperson. For the brand, the measure concerns “All the people exposed to this crisis, who ensured the hourly amplitude despite the consequences on family life. “ Or 65,000 employees divided between stores, logistics, Auchan Drive and Chrono Drive.

Under the circumstances, the premium could be extended to the medical personnel of the public. Conversely, it is not relevant for “The majority of the economy, very affected by the crisis, remark Philippe Renaudi. The small plumber or electrician who cannot go to the construction sites would like to ask the question. But there are going to be other issues to deal with … ”

A premium born from “yellow vests”?

This exceptional bonus did not wait for the Covid-19 pandemic to emerge. “In fact, this provision is the bonus given by Macron after the crisis of” yellow vests “”, nuance Gérard Ré, departmental secretary of CGT 06. The premium announced at the end of 2018 is therefore updated. With a more flexible framework: “The requirement to have a profit-sharing agreement is removed. All companies can do it. “

Is this bonus automatic?

Will all businesses play the game? Not so sure. “There is no obligation to pay this premium. Companies have to be willing, notes Jacques Kotler, vice-president of the CCI Nice Côte d´Azur responsible for trade. There must be a dialogue between the employee and his manager. Nor should it force sick personnel to return to work: that would be completely stupid! “

Behemoths such as Auchan, Carrefour, Leclerc, Lidl or Michelin have already promised to pay this premium. But what about VSEs or SMEs? Gérard Ré wonders about future payments, “Given the capabilities of companies with the crisis. “

Jacques Kotler recognizes this: “All the large retailers will no doubt donate this 1,000 euros. In the corner store where they are two working, it will be more complicated … “ Consequently, the CCI relies on the concertation of small structures, where “It is generally going well. We are facing a catastrophic health crisis. Employees who continue to work in these difficult conditions deserve a bonus at the end. “

In what form will it be paid?

We know that this premium is free of social and employer charges. We also know that it must be paid before June 30, 2020. As for when it will appear on the payslips, it is more variable.

Can we consider it on March wages? “I think this bonus may fall at the end of the month. at unless these payslips have already been established, says Jacques Kotler. Perhaps there will be a salary supplement in March. at unless they wait for April. ” This is the preferred option at Auchan. “It will rather be paid out in April. In any case, it will be paid as soon as possible, in the coming weeks. Employees now need it. “

A thousand euros, is that really enough?

The law provides for a bonus “Up to a limit of one thousand euros, per beneficiary” affecting the Smic less than three times. So far, Gérard Ré has noticed that premiums are sometimes limited to “300 or 400 euros” or “Spread over several months”. “A little more”, certainly. But “Not significant enough with regard to the risk taken. The urgency is not about wages; these are the hygienic working conditions! “

On the business side, it makes sense to reward ” the dedication “, believes Philippe Renaudi. Especially for employees who can work up to 60 hours per week. “We are going to take a world economic explosion! We must give ourselves all the means to get through the crisis. Otherwise, we can find ourselves in very serious difficulty. “

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