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a big star of the saga caught in the act with cocaine, shocking revelations

Emeline Merci

Harry Potter it still fascinates so much despite the passing of the years. A major star of the saga has dabbled in illicit substances for a long time and has been seen in possession of cocaine.

Fame can sometimes be too much for some actors to bear. One star of Harry Potterthat everyone appreciates fell into drugs. She was caught in the act by one of her relatives, who recently came out of silence.

Richard Harris (Harry Potter) drugged in front of his children

More than twenty years ago, viewers discovered the first episode of Harry Potterat the wizarding school. Very quickly, JK Rowling’s saga was a huge success and roused crowds. It’s really hard to have missed the adventures young wizards of Hogwarts. Hermione, Harry, Ron… The schoolchildren unleashed their passions.

Unfortunately, after the disappearance of Alan Rickman, fans of the saga had to deal with the brutal death of Robbie Coltrane, aka Hagrid. In 2002, that is, 1 year after the release of the first feature film, it was Richard Harris, who played Dumbledore, passed away at the age of 72. The actor’s dark secrets have come to light lately.

If Dumbledore appeared as a father figure to Harry, his interpreter was, in the meantime, tortured and faced many addictions. In the documentary The Ghost of Richard Harris, the actor’s three children have decided to lift the veil on their father. It is without taboos that they have shown his career, as well as his addiction to drugs.

excesses of violence

In a sequence present in 7 out of 7, Jamie, one of Richard Harris’ sons saw him taking cocaine. If he was still young, this scene marked him deeply. “I walked into his room and it was like a scene from Scarface”, he said before adding:He dropped that kilo of cocaine that had exploded on the carpet, and his face was right in the middle. It was unpredictable”.

The star of Harry Potter he was so obsessed with his demons and could be violent. His children also witnessed it in a London bar. “Dad punches the boy‘said one of the children. According to him, Richard Harris would have done’he pretends to put down his Guinness, then jumps up and knocks the man out“.

Despite this very nuanced portrayal of the actor, his children are somehow trying to hold on to the good memories. According to them, Richard Harris would have fought to the end to survive. “He loved life, including its turbulent times. I felt that there was a part of him that still didn’t want to leave“confided one of the star’s children.

Source used:

7 out of 7 – The dark face of the first interpreter of Dumbledore: “We found him with his face buried in a pile of cocaine”

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