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A big mafia boss in Greece was publicly shot with a Kalashnikov!

Yannis Skaftouros, 53, a well-known name in the Greek underground, was publicly shot dead with a Kalashnikov at Easter. Known as “Uncle Joe” of the Greek mafia. He was executed with more than 15 bullets. Behind the execution, police suspect a “death contract” writes Trud bg.

The attack took place at noon today (Monday), when strangers broke into his summer house in Skurta and killed the 53-year-old. Two of his relatives were injured in the attack, according to information, among them is his daughter. The case was taken over by Attica’s homicide unit.

According to police sources, the two killers arrived on a high-powered motorcycle and fled after the shooting. People close to the victim claim that Scaftouros was afraid that she was a target, so he rarely traveled to Attica and was always accompanied by security.

However, because of Easter, he went to his father’s home in Scurta, Viotia, to celebrate with his mother and relatives, something few people knew and his protection measures were eased.

According to initial information, the perpetrators are four people who arrived on two motorcycles. They stopped near the house, and two of them with helmets entered the yard of the house, where Skaftouros was with about 10 relatives and friends, and shot him.

Yannis Skaftouros is a well-known name of the Greek authorities. Involved in a number of criminal acts, one of which was the abduction of shipowner Pericles Panagopoulos. He is considered one of the last “veterans” of the “Greek mafia”, with a serious criminal history.

In the summer of 2018, while in the Koridalos prison, he was attacked with a knife by members of the Albanian mafia.

He was sentenced to life in prison, but was released from prison for 3.5 years after serving most of his sentence.

A major police operation is underway to find the killers.

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