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A beloved person held his hand on his deathbed – eXtra.cz

After a while, the iconic series Hospitals on the Outskirts of the City returned to television screens. One of the main characters was played by the excellent actor Josef Vinklář. Dr. Cvach’s representative was a nice flower, he left no skirt in the room. One lady even succumbed to him twice twice…

Actor Josef Vinklář was born in the small village of Podůlší near Jičín. But one day their house was engulfed in fire, during which their parents rescued pets in shock and forgot about the two children who slept in their beds – Josef and his brother. Fortunately, the boys were rescued in five minutes and the whole family then moved to Prague.

Iconic roles

Vinklář was already a real thug as a child and entertained the whole of Malá Strana with his breaches. However, he also finished a burgher, completed a one-year course and began to play with acting. He was a member of a children’s radio ensemble, his heart enchanted the theater, and he began performing at the Theater of Satire, the V + W Theater, the East Bohemian Theater, the Zdeněk Nejedlý Realistic Theater and the National Theater in Prague, where he became involved until his death.

The turning point in his career was brought about by the role of inspector Josef Bouš from the series Sinful people of the City of Praguein which he belonged to the investigating party of the legendary Vacátek council, whom he portrayed Jaroslav Marvan. The role that will not be forgotten is Dr. Cvach from the series Hospital on the outskirts of the city.

However, he also appeared in other well-known films and series, including Hrátky s čertem, Pod Jezevčí skálou, The woman behind the counter, Cottages or The Thirty Cases of Major Zeman.

Colleagues hated him

As an actor, he was excellent, but he did not have many friends in his industry. The main reason was probably the fact that he unnecessarily criticized his colleagues and mainly brought them to them. He allegedly had his own diary, where he wrote down the words of his colleagues so that he could then use them against them.

His first wife became the actress Jana Dítětová, with whom he has a son, Jakub. However, their marriage did not last long because Joseph could not control his desire for other women. It caught his eye actress and later writer Ivanka Devátá (86), who was married, but he conquered her until she succumbed to him and left her husband Miloš Hlavica with her young son.

After a while, their son Adam was born, the Ninth gave up her acting career and wanted to devote herself only to her family. But infidelity and other hardships in the marriage came. Ivanka lost weight rapidly, even collapsed nervously, and so the divorce followed. However, three years later, she married Vinklář again.

He got cancer

“He was crying, persuading, begging. He promised he would be nice. He even sent a son to convince me. “ she admitted some time ago in an interview with the magazine Topic Ivanka Devátá. But he was only able to keep his promises for two years before he fell in love with another woman again.

“Marriage to Vinklar was a punishment,” added the Ninth, adding that her first husband was perfect, and she then regretted how she had treated him. At the same time, however, she admitted that she experienced boredom and a stereotype with Hlavica, from which Vinklář was able to pull her out. Josef Vinklář, who received the title of deserving artist, was a despot and also enjoyed more alcohol, yet he really managed a lot in the acting world.

He was brought to his knees by cancer, which he succumbed to at the age of seventy-six. His son Adam, who still lacks a father, still held his hand on his deathbed.

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