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A baker faces 20 years in prison for killing his aunt.

A baker by profession, Saloum Keïta and his accomplice Famara Konté risk 20 years in prison for having murdered Fatima Cissokho. Indeed, the defendants appeared on Monday, August 17, 2020, before the Criminal Chamber of the Dakar District Court for criminal conspiracy and murder.

The facts date back to February 2016. Saloum Keïta had stabbed his aunt twice in the throat during a fight. At the time of the facts, the named Saloum Keïta had accused Famara Konté of being at the origin of the assassination of his aunt.

72 hours after their police custody, Saloum Keïta admitted the facts with which he was accused before exonerating Famara Konté. Despite this, the latter spent 4 years and 6 months in prison on the basis of false statements by a co-accused, reports the newspaper Témoin.

For the civil party, Me Ibrahima Ndiaye said that the facts of criminal association have been proven. According to him, the accused confessed to the facts while in police custody.

During his indictment, the head of the prosecution requested the reclassification of the facts with a prison sentence of 20 years of criminal imprisonment. Subsequently, he asked for the acquittal of the accused Famara Konté.

On the defense side, Me Sylla invited the judge to qualify the facts as murder.

Saloum Keïta faces 20 years in prison for having assassinated his aunt Fatima Cissokho. The criminal chamber has put the case under advisement for October 13.

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