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A baby dies in a fire in Villa Los Profesores in Los Angeles | National

One dead baby and two injured left as a balance a fire that was registered early this Friday in Los Angeles.

“Unfortunately, we have to suffer the loss of a human being, in this case a minor”, said the Fire Commander, Raúl Márquez.

Specifically, the tragic event took place in the Villa Los Profesores, in the intersection of Nahuelbuta avenue with professor Aurelio Valenzuela.

According to the neighbors’ account, the minor’s parents jumped – seeking to escape the flames – from the second floor of the damaged house along with another child, who, when trying to rescue the deceased minor, could not enter the house again.

Until the site of the event, at least four fire trucks arrived, with the aim of work on flame control.

Valentina Balboa (RBB)

Likewise, he was also present at the place SAMU, Carabineros and Investigative Police personnel.

The latter were in charge of carrying out the first expert reports at the site of the event, being in charge of the respective investigation.

Valentina Balboa (RBB)
Valentina Balboa (RBB)

Finally, the injured were transferred to the Los Angeles Hospital.

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