the work week, what arethe impacts and at what timedo they impact?, later he returnedwith you.íctor: an older woman wasbeaten and robbed while crossing astreet in the bronxAdriana: these images areheartbreaking, afterattack, the car that washoping that it would cross, dareverse and continue on your way.íctor: earliermove to the neighborhoodwhere the assault occurred andwe obtained revealing numbersabout these types of attacks androbberies, especially againstpeople of the Third Age.It happened around 5:45 a.m.last sunday morning,the images of the video can be seena guy who throws himselfagainst an elderly personhe snatched his bag and leftfleeing, the victim remainsknees in the middle of the road withoutthat no driver who waswitness, come to his rescue.the 70-year-old woman receivedblows to the face and lost atooth, as reported by thepoliía.>> she’s fine, she’sworried because that caught herby surprise, all is withyour nerves.íctor: department figuresof police indicate that the yearpast there was an increase in10% attacks and assaults inperson 65 years or older, thisin relation to the year 2021, anumber my worrying yeskeep in mind that new york1 in 6 inhabitants is 65years or yearswe ask other adultsolder, what precautions do you takewhen they go out on the street.>> there is too much danger in thestreet, I went out with her becauseYou don’t have to let her go out alone.íctor: do you feelintimidated or threatened whendoes it go up to the calle?