An approximately 70-meter asteroid is flying toward Earth. The European Space Agency (ESA) has named it the most risky in the last 10 years. According to experts, it could potentially hit our planet next July.
Astronomers discovered the asteroid during observations on January 6, 2022. The object was named 2022 AE1 and, according to previous findings, measures about 70 meters.
Experts from the European Space Agency (ESA) have even called the asteroid one of the most risky. “In almost 10 years at ESA, I have not seen such a risky object,” the portal quoted Science Alert Marc Micheli from the Middle East Coordination Center (NEOCC), which is part of the European Space Agency.
The results of initial observations showed that the asteroid could potentially hit Earth during its next flyby on July 4, 2023. However, according to later calculations, the object should not collide with Earth.
Asteroid 2022 AE1 is expected to fly around the Earth at a distance of 10 million kilometers in early July next year. This is a distance 20 times greater than between the Earth and the Moon. “It was exciting to follow 2022 AE1 and refine its trajectory until we had enough data to say that this asteroid should not hit Earth,” Micheli concluded.
NASA wants to redirect the giant asteroid, it sent a probe to it (11/2021):