Home » today » News » A 67-year-old man sentenced for sexual assault on six girls in Montluçon (Allier)

A 67-year-old man sentenced for sexual assault on six girls in Montluçon (Allier)

A sixty-year-old was at the helm of the Montluçon Criminal Court on Tuesday, May 18. He was accused of sexual assault on six little girls, between July 2011 and August 2013, while he was a foster family in a village in the district.

Two recognized assaults

The sixty-year-old recognizes some of the charges against him. He admits to having kissed two young girls, one of 12 and the other of 11, while they were on vacation with him and his wife in July 2011 and August 2013.

Both were children placed in child welfare structures and came to enjoy a few days in the countryside, on vacation, with this foster family.

Murder, rape and assassination in front of the Allier Assize Court in Moulins (Allier)

The Bourbonnais then recognizes “having done something stupid”, “having slipped”… but also believes that these children “could have slapped him” or “pushed him back”. “Because, for you, an 11-year-old girl is capable of slapping an adult who welcomes her?” », Annoys the president of the tribunal. “I think so …” argues the defendant, before denying the other acts of sexual assault for which he is prosecuted. Facts which concern, again, children placed on vacation with him.

Girls from 6 to 12 years old

Did he try to kiss an 11-year-old girl in August 2012? He doesn’t remember it. Did he kiss another 8 year old in April 2013? No memory either.
And for the two other offenses with which he is accused? He formally contests them.

He claims not to have fondled the penis of a 6-year-old while he had made her sit on his knees in July 2013. No more than he would have, in August 2012, kissed, undressed and put on. her tongue at the level of the sex of a sixth girl, this time aged 9. “I did not touch them,” he maintains. “And the second, it was she who kissed me [concernant l’enfant de 9 ans, NDLR]. »

A man escapes by jumping from the first floor of the Montluçon police station (Allier)

A firm sentence pronounced

“You have abused this situation of fostering”, launches the public prosecutor, insisting on the gravity of the facts.

“There is nothing more disagreeable than blaming a child who has been sexually assaulted. “

The public prosecutor

Thus requesting twenty-four months’ imprisonment, twenty of which were accompanied by a probationary suspension of two years.

The court went further by condemning the sixty-year-old to three years’ imprisonment, two of which were suspended for two years (he will perform the firm part under electronic surveillance at home). He will have the obligation to take care of himself, the prohibition to enter into contact with minors (except his descendants) and to exercise an activity in connection with minors for five years.

In Montluçon, a Bourbonnais convicted of corruption of minors: “Everything in this file suggests that we are dealing with a sexual predator”

He will also have to pay the civil parties the total sum of 6,230 euros and is registered in the judicial file of perpetrators of sexual and violent offenses.

Laura Morel

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