Home » today » News » A 57-year-old woman is attacked with a hammer in the New York subway | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

A 57-year-old woman is attacked with a hammer in the New York subway | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

we have reports of injuries orfatal victims. earrings tonews one and it’s 41, to arisewe will not be informedstreaming instantly.although in fact tomorrowwe start the month of the woman,there are four women founddead in two days in newyork Product Of Violence,the most recent was foundin an apartment in the bronx andto explain the situationviolet bastard are alivewhere have these been givenevents.Violet: Good morning.this type of violencerepeat again and again there is onefifth victim, a 57-year-old womanyears at this timedebate between life anddeath, she was attackedhammer blows in a stationtrain in queens, relativesit ends up not being a messto a man facing chargesof attempted murder.Now, the women whorecently died inthose violent incidentsthey belonged to the bronx, manhattanand also brooklyn among theages 21 to 35, one ofthe victims his body wasrecovered in a containergarbage, another was killedvilely by her own boyfriend.the police right nowinvestigate each incidentattract families fromvictims justice, howeveroffer some advice, ias a woman when going outthe streets, even when it’sat night I always try totake with me a spraypepper, I also usually weara bracelet on the armThis way you can block thehits.

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