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A 20 Year Partnership: Memories and Insights with Catering Company “Lido” in Celebration of Gemosa’s 30th Anniversary

Continuing the cycle of talks in the year of the 30th anniversary of “Gemosa”, we are meeting with the catering company “Lido” to exchange common memories and insights during our 20 years of cooperation. We give this conversation to you as a gift, thus saying thank you for the opportunity to grow together and become who we are today.

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Quality, care, order and honesty – these are the words that we notice in a prominent place on the meeting table when we are invited to the office of Rita Auzina, the chairman of the board of AS “Lido”. These are the main values ​​of “Lido”, she explains and apologizes in advance for possible food smells, as we are above the kitchen. To that we answer with a smile that the “Lido” scent is legendary and should be considered as the fifth value next to the ones already mentioned. Fried potatoes with meatballs or pancakes would also fit in there – the constant and familiar flavors of “Lido”. Let’s get a little carried away in the conversation, but let’s go back to the beginning.

What did you do in 1993 – when “Gemos” was born?

I was an 8th grade student with a clear goal of finishing high school and moving from a rural town to Riga – to that big city!

And where was “Lido” at that time?

Two restaurants and two bistros had already been established in Riga since the establishment of the company in 1987. A design office and a woodworking workshop also functioned. However, an interesting and less known fact is that until the last moment in Old Riga, where the “Baltais” restaurant was opened, which later turned into the “Lido” beer garden, a clothing store was planned. One fine day, the founder of “Lido” Gunārs Ķirsons radically changed his vision and gave up the clothing store in favor of developing the catering business.

What changed his mind?

He has always enjoyed watching food being made at home. To sit in the kitchen, to be present in the making of a meal and to feel the aromas. This is how “Lido” was created as an open kitchen, although at first few believed that this was possible. “Who will give you permission to let people into the kitchen?” they asked him. There has also been a lot of disbelief about the tables on the terrace, because cars drive by and dust is everywhere. Looking back, we can appreciate how much culture and our relationship with food has changed. I am glad how the culture and quality of food has changed because we are more health conscious. Food has a tremendous impact on our lives. And I can be proud of the high quality standards of “Lido”. We will never allow flavor enhancers and synthetic additives that could adversely affect human health. We are for clean and freshest possible raw materials. These are the quality requirements that “Lido” has been able to maintain for many years, and I am very proud that “Lido” rises and falls on the quality of the food. Our 30,000 guests also appreciate it every day.

…and the constant taste of “Lido”.

Exactly! No matter which “Lido” customer goes to, he knows what he will get. I myself eat “Lido” every day, I try to be in different places to visit all our restaurants from time to time. I proudly bring the food prepared by “Lido” to the table for my family, I bring it to friends and relatives when visiting.

Pers. of Rita Auzina. archive | Culinary products of the “Lido” restaurant

How did you get to “Lido”?

Quite by accident. While studying business and business management at the university, after the 1st year in the summer of 1998, I started looking for a job. At that time, there were advertisements in newspapers, which my girlfriend and I cut out, divided in half and went to discuss. In the first place where I was, I also stayed! It was the “Lido Dzirnavas”, newly renovated premises that we still know today. I entered this restaurant when renovations were going on and a team of employees was being assembled.

Please tell us how your career in “Lido” developed further!

In 1998, when I started working as a juice girl, we were very popular organizers of away banquets. “Lido” was everywhere: the “Miss Universe” contest, events at the Latvian Society House, Latvian palaces, where I know all the backstage corridors. During this time, I gained experience that developed my ability to react quickly, solve problems in uncomfortable situations and strengthen my self-confidence – I gained both professional temper and personal maturity. In 2000, I became the manager of the “Lido Dzirnavu” hall, and already in 2002, I was transferred to work at the “Lido” Recreation Center on Krasta Street, where I continued my favorite job – the management of banquets. Soon I also took over the duties of manager of the large hall of the “Lido” Recreation Center – this stage was also, in my opinion, decisive for my career growth. One day, when I was still studying in my last year at university, I was approached by Mr. Kirsons and offered to become the manager of the new restaurant at the international airport “Riga”. I think I’m one of those people who would rather try than give up. It was a challenging time for me because I had to open the new restaurant and write my thesis at the same time. It was a fantastic experience! And I greatly appreciated the courage of Mr. Kirsons to entrust the management of a new object to such a young woman – I was 22 years old: “Take it and express yourself!” However, I coped well with the new responsibilities, even when I had to manage a team half as old as I was at the time. Both the previous work experience and the theoretical knowledge in business management acquired at the university helped.

It was also the time when you started cooperation with “Gemos”.

That’s right, and we confirmed it in 2005, when we had to open the next “Lido” restaurant in the “Spice” shopping center. It was the second object that Mr. ķirson offered me to manage. Why not?! Of course, yes! But how can one person be the leader of two places at the same time? Already at that time, modern technologies and imagination came to my rescue – the video surveillance system was improved, for example, being in one facility, I had the opportunity to see transactions at the cash register of the other facility. My motto has always been to look at things, how they can be completed and how to overcome obstacles. And my experience at “Lido” also shows that, in fact, anything can be done – you just need to want. Of course, it also helped that Mr. Kirsons looks at everything with an eye to the future and is open to innovation. It was easy for me to work because of the support of the management. My strength was in my courage, the maximalism of youth and also in the fact that I was not slowed down. In 2009, I was already invited to open the first “Lido” bistro in Tallinn, Estonia.

Pers. of Rita Auzina. archive | Restaurant “Lido” in Spice

Why not?!

(Laughs.) And once again together with Agrita, HoReCa manager of “Gemosa”, we thought of different solutions. It was a big challenge, because the environment is foreign, everything is new, although we are so close, but our mentality is also different. We just drove and did! Three girls – myself, colleagues Solvita Treilandi and Ieva Egli – opened a new “Lido” branch in a foreign country in a short time, also recruiting employees and creating a team. We worked fantastically, creating an object that became popular and profitable from the first day, and is still so today. It was a time when you had to learn various new knowledge, such as differences in cultures and traditions – you have to be able to adapt to the environment, not change it. In addition, I appreciate team work more and more, because we would not have been able to do it all by ourselves. People are the most important asset in the company, so one of the fundamental cornerstones of “Lido” is the team and employees.

How did you get on the board?

The global financial crisis of 2009 began, which affected the change of management in the company. That was the time when I was offered the position of vice president with responsibility for all commercial units. Why not?! (Laughs.) There was nothing I didn’t know anymore. Besides, running three restaurants or running ten restaurants didn’t make that much of a difference. In 2011, I became a member of the board, and in 2012 I took the position of chairman of the board.

Currently, “Lido” has 13 bistros and 4 stores in Latvia, 3 bistros in Tallinn, and one new one is currently under construction. In total, we have more than 1,000 employees – 850 in Latvia and 200 in Tallinn. In the summer, when it is the most intense season, we attract additional employees – then we are up to 1300 people.

Pers. of Rita Auzina. archive | Products offered by “Lido” restaurant

What are the cornerstones why “Lido” is such a successful caterer?

First of all, it is the quality of the product. The first priority in any restaurant is a good meal, and we can provide that. Second, the price. I can’t say that we are a cheap caterer, but we are acceptable to a large circle of customers – our 30,000 customers appreciate the price-quality ratio of “Lido” food every day. Our vision is to work for the people and be the people’s restaurant. We have set the ultimate goal – to get to the customer’s table at all meals, so we have a wide range of products that we are constantly developing and improving. Thirdly, our strong point is the speed of service. In today’s rhythm, people often do not have time, and in the “Lido” bistro you can have a full lunch in 20 minutes. The fourth cornerstone is the interior of “Lido” and care for customer experience – solid tables, comfortable chairs, traditional, cozy and thoughtful interior. Those small details, running through the bistro, are not consciously noticed on a daily basis, but they leave an impression on feelings, aesthetics and comfort. For example, you can put in just glass, but we have stained glass because it is a hand-made work of art with added value. We also have a textile artist who weaves the decorative hem for the curtains herself. There are fresh flowers that are taken care of by florists. It is the energy that we put in little by little and that people feel. Customers like it here, so they keep coming back.

Of course, employees are another cornerstone of “Lido’s” success story.

No doubt! If we look at it as a whole, Gunārs ķirsons is like a magnet for good people. He has taught the company to attract responsible, professional and loyal employees. Able to inspire work.

Enter any of our offices, and you will feel the passion, the dedication, which is devoted to the work “Lido”.

Pers. of Rita Auzina. archive | The board and founder of the “Lido” restaurant (from the left) – R. Gulbis, Gunārs ķirsons, Rita Auziņa, R. Pētersons, S. Treilande.

We already enjoyed it this morning with the security guard when we came to the office to meet you. He was so caring, personally accompanied and did not leave us until the moment he handed us over to you.

Well, that’s who we are here!

So you already have long-term employees, like us in “Gemosa”, from the very beginning?

Yes! We had a 35-year ball this year where we presented gifts to 20 long-serving employees who have been here for more than 25 years. Next year, the same number will reach this threshold, and so every year. We have an employee at the production plant, who has been with “Lido” since its foundation, together with Mr. Kirsons. This is the place where you arrive and which becomes your second home. If our values ​​match, then there are many opportunities to grow and develop. As the founder of “Lido” says: “I like people who are ready to take a job, not wait for it to be given to them.”

Pers. of Rita Auzina. archive | Gunārs Ķirsons, the founder of the “Lido” restaurant, and Rita Auziņa, the chairman of the board

How did you survive the pandemic?

If someone said that there was no work and could sit at home, then it was not about us. We were not closed for a single day – even when the restaurants were closed, because the continuous government decisions with operational restrictions forced us to constantly adapt to the new working conditions. The ability to coordinate and react in crisis conditions brought the team together so much – it was a unique experience, an extremely interesting but very difficult time, and it felt like a new university. Of course, we lost some employees, a couple of dozen, but they were mostly people who left Latvia. If we can handle the pandemic, we can handle anything!

Why is “Lido” not in Lithuania?

This is one of our strategic development plans in the near future. Scandinavia and Lithuania.

We are glad that we will work together for a long time! What are the reviews of cooperation with “Gemos”?

I feel at home when I enter your store! Your value, like ours, is the long-term employees, that’s why I know so many “Gemosa” employees, greet, talk and even want to stay. You will always find a solution and come up with an alternative, finding the best if one of the products is not available. “Gemoss” has been one of the most stable cooperation partners for many years, which has contributed to the growth of “Lido”. I believe that “Gemoss” is one of the companies that Latvia can be proud of in terms of quality and professionalism. And, most importantly, you always have the best deal!

Thanks, we’re trying!

Pers. of Rita Auzina. archive

2023-07-02 21:00:35
#Lido #manager #Rita #Auziņa #clean #highquality #food

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