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A 20-year-old girl was murdered by her partner in the province of Granma

Cubans on social networks denounced the murder of a young woman in the province of Granma, who was allegedly killed on October 20 by her partner in the municipality of Bayamo.

According to activist Niover Licea, who shared the case, the victim was identified as Dailenis Nápoles, only 20 years old.

The aggressor allegedly responds to the name of Alexis Castañeda, who would have alerted the victim’s family about the crime before turning himself in to the National Revolutionary Police (PNR).

The complaint states that the couple argued the night of the crime, so the young woman decided to return to her parents’ house, however, the man got on a bicycle and went to look for her when she was at the bus stop.

Once there, he convinced her to return with him to a house located in a town on the Kilometer 10 highway towards Las Tunas, where he would have used a knife to commit the murder.

According to the activist, the murderer contacted the victim’s mother, informing her about what he did. Upon arriving at the house, the woman found the body of her daughter, which had a large wound on the neck, which was wrapped in a sheet.

“He was lying in a pool of blood that came from the bed,” said neighbors who witnessed the scene. Residents of the area also said that the young woman used to be abused relatively frequently by her partner.

The aggressor initially escaped from the scene, but surrendered to the authorities the next day, something that has been seen in other cases of femicide.

Femicides in Cuba

In recent days, independent feminist platforms on the Island have reported an increase in the number of femicides recorded throughout the country, confirming two of them in the provinces of Holguín and Pinar del Río.

The victims responded to the names of Cristina Ramírez Milián and Yulia Valle, residents of the towns of Birán and Viñales, respectively.

Additionally, The Alas Tensas Gender Observatory (OGAT) described the death of a two-year-old girl in Havana as a family feminicide. The victim was allegedly murdered by her stepfather, who used to physically abuse her.

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