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a 17-year-old high school student defends the boarding school

Dramatic. A 17-year-old high school student, educated at the Marguerite-de-Valois high school in Angoulême (Charente), defeated Monday evening in the institution’s boarding school, report Charente Libre.

The young girl, who threw herself from the window of her room on the third floor, was this Tuesday between life and death.

Still aware when the firefighters arrived

After her fall, the Samu and the firefighters had found her still conscious. She was hospitalized at the Poitiers University Hospital, where she is on Tuesday “in absolute urgency”.

According to the Department of Departmental Services for National Education in Charente (DSDEN 16), cited by South West, nothing allows for the moment to explain the gesture of the schoolgirl, “no difficulty” concerning her having been spotted within the boarding school. An investigation has been opened.

A psychological unit has been set up within the establishment.

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