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A 15-year-old full-time teenager in a CHSLD

Sensitive to the reality of the elderly during the pandemic, a 15-year-old teenager wants to do his part by taking advantage of the summer of deconfinement to work full time in a CHSLD in Quebec.

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This summer, like many young people his age, William Marcotte Dugré, entered the job market. If many start in catering or retail, the 15-year-old student decided to go and try to brighten the days of our elders.

“I saw several news on television [concernant les CHSLD] and it touched me a lot. I wanted to make a difference, take the time to offer them a little happiness, ”explains the man who now holds the position of summer animator in a residential center in the Quebec region.


In this photo, we can see William Marcotte Dugré on his very first day of work in the establishment for the elderly.


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In this photo, we can see William Marcotte Dugré on his very first day of work in the establishment for the elderly.

35 hours a week, the young man therefore organizes activities with the elders to allow them to change their minds.

Philanthropist by nature and very involved voluntarily, the student in a high school drama program even planned to launch, before having the job, a tour of musicals in the various CHSLDs of the Old Capital.

Helping others

Moreover, it was not the money that attracted him to this very first job, he who earned barely more than the minimum wage, while other more profitable positions were offered to him elsewhere. It is rather the satisfaction of helping your neighbor that makes him vibrate.

“To see the happiness that I bring to people, whether it’s for something as simple as putting their nail polish on or dancing with them, that’s really it, my pay,” he says, ensuring that he does not hesitate to depart from his role as facilitator to provide comfort to residents when they need it.


William Marcotte Dugré decided to leave the parties aside this summer and rather use his values ​​and his communication skills to

Due to the pandemic, William came up against several restrictions which added some peculiarities to his work. In addition to having to wear a mask, gloves and visor all day long, the teenager notably had to rack his head to organize activities respecting sanitary measures.

The parties set aside

His private life was also particularly affected by the new coronavirus crisis, since he has to put a little distance between himself and his friends.

“He quickly made the decision not to participate in parties with his friends, even if it is now allowed, so as not to put anyone at risk. He is aware that even outside of work, there are issues at stake in the lives of residents, ”explains William’s mother, Anne Marcotte, who is extremely proud of her son’s involvement.

The young man who aspires to become an actor sees this job as a rewarding life experience that will allow him to grow. In particular, he hopes to encourage other adolescents to make the shift and get involved with the elderly.

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