Home » today » News » A 14-year-old boy dies in the Bronx, apparently by accident while handling a gun | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

A 14-year-old boy dies in the Bronx, apparently by accident while handling a gun | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

they tell him there because he doescaviar.adriana: much to tell us,thank you very mucha 14 year old teenagerturns into a new victimdeadly violence in newyork. It is unknown if it was broughtfrom an accident while playing with afirearm or if it was agang problem.gary merson talks to us a bitof the police investigation.gary: good afternoon, thisIt happened around 1:00 a.m.morning. allegedly involvesto the teenagers who knowwere gathered, according to thereport. I still know to observethe blood.what had been the reasonwhat took the life of this14 year old teenager,resident of the bronx. thisremains to be seen, butcould be difficultclarify, because thiscamera that could shed light onthe authorities is coveredwith paint.something that they are denouncingneighbors what happens withfrequency.however, there is onefind the entrance of thisdoor and could throw alittle light of what happenedwith the person leavinghere, after theteenager was shot.the route he took wasgo out looking for help.crossed the street, if you canwatch in an ideo the young manI pass this part and practicallyfainted between the vehicles.>> wait in the bus.sometimes here there up to 20people and one cannot

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