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Testing, testing, testing, and not anymore? Professor Goossens: “We have to set priorities now”

“Belgium is one of the top three in Europe in terms of the number of tests per inhabitant, 60,000 to 70,000 per day. We are doing well, we want to scale up and we are going to do that. But that is not just two three. eight labs are under construction, they are being worked on day and night. Capacity will also be added in terms of the number of tests, but that also takes time.

Was there not enough time already? “I do not speak out about the past. Pedro Facon was appointed ten days ago, there are many ideas for rolling out the test strategy in the future. This includes quick tests (which can determine whether someone is contagious, ed.). was discussed last week, the decision has already been made, an order was placed yesterday, but here too: it is necessary to properly prepare and coordinate this, so that chaos does not arise Infrastructure, the training of doctors … that must all be on point. “

The new, adjusted test strategy is provisionally valid until 15 November. Time to properly work out the new test strategy for the future. “And by then we will see the effect of the measures taken last Friday. Hopefully the test policy can then be adjusted.”

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