He mentioned the Czech Republic, Hungary and Georgia, which from the model countries reached a catastrophic situation in almost a month. “And it’s mostly because most of the public doesn’t take these small restrictions seriously,” he said.
In the meantime, it can be seen that the situation has been stabilized in Estonia and Norway. Singapore and South Korea are also doing well. “Because the recipes are known, the key is this collaboration,” said the infectologist.
He called for understanding that the rules apply to everyone. The specialist pointed out that the restrictions are introduced not because someone wants to destroy Latvian sports, but wants the sports to continue after three weeks. “Our goal is not to stop culture or sports, our goal is to continue it all winter. So it is very important for us to get in and do what needs to be done, because there is no going back here,” he said.
Dumpis also emphasized that the legislation could not “describe to lock everything”, urging citizens to think along, for example, not to hold parties, including a child.
He emphasized that large outbreaks had been detected in Latvia in recent weeks, often due to the fact that safety measures, distancing, etc. had not been observed. Dumpis.
It is clear that there will be small outbreaks, given that the borders are open, but such large outbreaks should not be tolerated, he emphasized.