Home » News » Roman Giertych detained by the CBA. The attorney fainted and was hospitalized. CBA spokesman: Giertych’s health is good

Roman Giertych detained by the CBA. The attorney fainted and was hospitalized. CBA spokesman: Giertych’s health is good

Attorney Roman Giertych was detained by officers of the Central Anticorruption Bureau. In addition to him, 11 people were detained in a case concerning acting to the detriment of one of the companies. They are to hear accusations concerning, inter alia, the misappropriation of funds from a listed company. Giertych’s daughter informed that her father had fainted during the search of his villa and was taken unconscious from home to an ambulance. After 9 p.m., the spokesman of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau, Stanisław Żaryn, announced that the patron was in “good” condition and that he was undergoing “routine” examinations.

The arrest of patron Roman Giertych was confirmed in the early afternoon by his wife, Barbara, on TVN24. – I have no idea why (he was detained – ed.), I have no idea how long it will last – she commented. After 2.30 p.m., she informed that attorney Giertych was participating in a search of his home. – We are dealing with a political police. They can look for whatever they want, what their order will be – she said. Barbara Giertych, also an attorney and – as she said – her husband’s defense attorney, reiterated that she “did not know the charges” and at that moment, as a lawyer, had to “look at the papers and talk to the prosecutor”. – I do not know what’s going on. For the first time in my life, in my professional career, I experience a situation where I do not know what the detention is about – she admitted.

Barbara Giertych expressed her hope that “the prosecutor has done his homework on the criminal procedure and will inform about the next steps.” – But in today’s world, with today’s prosecutor’s office, sometimes the knowledge of the criminal procedure is different, she said. She added that she could not predict the further development of the situation.


Giertych: do not let my detention cover the epidemic catastrophe of the PiS government, because that is the goal

Giertych wrote on his Twitter profile shortly before 3 p.m. that he was arrested “on charges of acting to the detriment of a company”. “I was handcuffed on the eve of L. Czarnecki’s arrest case, of whom I am the only defense lawyer” – he pointed out. Leszek Czarnecki, the owner of Idea Bank, has the status of a suspect in the investigation of the so-called GetBack scandal. On Friday, the court is to hear the prosecutor’s motion to arrest a businessman staying abroad.

“Don’t let my detention cover the epidemic catastrophe of the PiS government, because that is the purpose of it,” added the patron.

“The search is still ongoing, several officers are present here”

The daughter of attorney Giertych, Maria, previously informed about the arrest and the search of the house.

“Dad was arrested in court when he was coming out of one of the cases, he was handcuffed and taken to our house”

Less than an hour later, the patron’s daughter informed that Roman Giertych “asks for full” personal data “and that” it is a political matter to cover the catastrophic epidemic situation caused by the PiS government’s ineptitude. “


Daughter of Roman Giertych about searches in their homeTVN24

– Dad was arrested before the court when he was getting out of one of the cases, he was handcuffed and taken here to Józefów, to our house. The search is ongoing, several officers are present here. I do not know exactly what they are looking for, I think it is of a routine nature, that they search everything they can – she said on TVN24 at 3 p.m.

“Dad passed out during a house search”

Maria Giertych informed journalists around 6 p.m. that her father had fainted during the search of his villa in Józefów. As she added, Giertych fainted in the toilet he entered with a CBA officer.

An ambulance arrived at the scene. He was taken unconscious from home on an ambulance stretcher. He was taken to hospital.

His lawyers Jakub Wende and Paweł Pietkiewicz informed that “searches have been carried out for many hours”. – In our opinion, unlawfully, without the presence of Mr. Giertych also in his office. We do not understand why (…), if the prosecutor wanted to question him, no invitation was sent. He would definitely come, said Wende.

– Mr. attorney was taken to hospital. We will be waiting for information about his health – he added.


Defenders of Roman Giertych: Searches have been carried out for many hours. In our opinion, unlawfullyTVN24

Giertych is conscious and undergoing tests

After 9 p.m., TVN24 reporter Jan Piotrowski reported that Roman Giertych was in the hospital in Otwock, conscious and undergoing examinations. When they were completed, the lawyer was to be taken to the Warsaw hospital at Szaserów Street.

The TVN24 reporter also found that some CBA officers continued the search at Giertych’s home after he was transported to the hospital. In total, the search lasted almost seven hours.

As the reporter reported further, after 8 p.m. the CBA agents left the house with folders full of documents. It found that these were legal secrecy documents. They were sealed in the presence of Giertych’s attorney and representatives of the District Bar Council and submitted to the court. It is up to the court to decide whether it will make them available to the prosecutor’s office.


TVN24 reporter: CBA agents left Giertych’s house with folders full of documentsTVN24

The information about Giertych’s health was confirmed by about 21 people by the spokesman of the minister coordinator of special services, Stanisław Żaryn. “In connection with media reports, I would like to inform you that the health condition of Roman G. detained by the CBA is good. At the moment, routine medical examinations are being performed” – he wrote on Twitter.


Żaryn: This case is strictly criminal

Earlier, Żaryn told journalists about the case for which Giertych was detained. He said that a total of 12 people have been detained so far. All are suspected of acting to the detriment of a listed company.

He also referred to Giertych’s words that it was “a political matter that aims to cover the catastrophic epidemic situation caused by the ineptitude of the PiS government.” – This case is strictly criminal in nature, related to operations conducted to the detriment of a listed company – he said.

As he assured, “it has nothing to do with the appearing innuendo that the suspect is trying to promote in the media at the moment.” He added that the case has been conducted for several months and that “the evidence gathered in it is very strong”.


Stanisław Żaryn on the arrest of Roman GiertychTVN24

CBA: allegations of acting to the detriment of the company, misappropriation of property and money laundering

The Central Anticorruption Bureau said in the afternoon’s statement that it “detained, among others, businessman Ryszard K. and former MP Roman G.” It was explained that the arrests were related to “an investigation carried out by the CBA Branch Office in Wrocław under the supervision of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Poznań concerning actions to the detriment of a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange – ed.)”.

“The material collected by the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau indicates that the detainees took part in an organized procedure involving the removal of money from the company, appropriation and money laundering. Damage to property exceeds PLN 90 million” – it was written in the statement. According to the announcement, the detainees will go to the prosecutor’s office, where they will be charged with “acting to the detriment of the company, misappropriation of property and money laundering”. The CBA said that more detentions are planned.

Prosecutor’s office: detainees Ryszard K. and Roman G. may face charges on Thursday

At around 4 p.m., the spokeswoman of the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Poznań, prosecutor Anna Marszałek, spoke about the arrest of Giertych and other people. – The arrests concern a group of people involved in the removal of nearly PLN 92 million from a listed development company. Among the detained are businessman Ryszard K., lawyer Roman G. and former members of the company’s management board – she said

She added that after the hearing and presentation of the charges, decisions will be made on the possible application of preventive measures against these persons. – After being brought to the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Poznań, they will hear allegations of misappropriation of the company’s funds, large-scale property damage and money laundering – she explained.

The marshal said that all detained persons were in Poland. She did not rule out that they would be transported to Poznań on Thursday. It was, however, before Giertych was hospitalized.

President of the Supreme Bar Council: actions taken against an advocate arouse the greatest concern

In connection with the arrest of Giertych, the announcement was issued by the president of the Supreme Bar Council, attorney Jacek Trela.

“In connection with the arrest of Roman Giertych by the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau and the search in his house, I declare that such actions against the advocate arouse the greatest concern, as they involve the possible violation of the lawyer’s secrecy concerning the cases of his clients. secret, the search must be conducted by the dean of the bar council or a person designated by him “- he said.

“Regardless of the grounds for detaining Roman Giertych and the search in his home, these activities have a unique dimension due to his involvement as a lawyer in cases in which politicians from the ruling party appear” – he added.

As attorney Trela ​​said, “the fact that Roman Giertych is arrested on the eve of the court hearing on the arrest of his client Leszek Czarnecki, of whom he is the only defense lawyer, is also of concern”.

Searches also at Ryszard K.

The CBA officers are also searching Ryszard K.’s villa in Kamienna Góra in Gdynia. The former president of Prokom is in the villa during the activities of the Bureau’s agents, PAP reported.

Kamienna Góra is a luxurious, villa district located on a hill right next to the beach. In K.’s house, the blinds are open and the actions of the CBA agents are visible – the agency said. From the street, through the windows, you can see officers packing files of documents into containers and recording a video of a search in the businessman’s house – she added.

photo-source">Main photo source: Leszek Szymański / PAP

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