Cloud services belong to the most dynamically developing technology segments. This also applies in the Czech Republic, which from the market point of view confirms the long-term, double-digit increase in spending on them. Between 2019 and 2024, domestic spending in this area will grow by an average of 17.4 percent per year. According to IDC, the value of the market will approach one billion dollars in four years.
About nine-tenths are public cloud services. These are dominated by software rental with a share of over 74 percent, followed by infrastructure as a service (14 percent) and platform as a service (12 percent).
“Public cloud services are used by organizations of all sizes. Larger companies often prefer hybrid installations that connect public cloud services to existing infrastructure. Smaller companies are increasingly relying on public cloud services, ”said IDC analyst Libor Dvořák. These services are mostly used by companies from the business services, industry, trade and finance sectors.
The ten largest providers of cloud solutions and services in the Czech Republic serve more than half of the local market. With one exception, these are multinational companies with global operations. The market leader is Microsoft with almost a fifth share, followed by Unicorn, SAP, and Amazon Web Services.
According to IDC analysts, the perception of cloud services will change in the near future. Organizations will gradually stop using them as an alternative to traditional solutions. It will focus significantly more on the benefits of cloud computing for digital transformation and its support for evolving technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, blockchain or advanced analytics.